Redesign of an MODVS to Improve Teaching-Learning Processes at the EuroAmericano University Technological Institute

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Antonio Marques-Firmino
Francisco Javier Tafur-Méndez 
Valeria Alejandra Almao-Malvacias


Integrating technology in education through virtual learning environments can improve the learning experience when updates are applied according to the needs of the educational community. The new technological changes have had an important effect on human activity in general, which implies that new strategies, tools and resources must be used to adapt in the educational field. For this reason, the opinions and needs of the academic community regarding the virtual platform of the EuroAmerican University Technological Institute were evaluated through surveys, literature corresponding to the subject, and statistical data collected by the platform. It was determined how their functions can be improved for the benefit of the educational community. Although the MODVS platform is well received, areas for improvement in usability, design, organization and content presentation were identified. The need to develop new forms of communication between students and teachers within the platform is also highlighted. In addition, it is pointed out that improvements in the platform not only benefit online students, but also have a significant impact on the effectiveness of teaching and administration in the learning environment in general. Therefore, improving the online learning platform is an investment that benefits the entire educational community and can have a lasting impact on the quality of education in general. 


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How to Cite
Marques-Firmino , A., Tafur-Méndez , F., & Almao-Malvacias, V. (2023). Redesign of an MODVS to Improve Teaching-Learning Processes at the EuroAmericano University Technological Institute . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(5), 70-87.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Antonio Marques-Firmino , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario EuroAmericano - Ecuador

Rector of the EuroAmerican Higher Technological University Institute. Master in Educational Management. With years of experience, the author since its inception in 1980 has directed different educational centers starting with the National Cash Register (NCR) Programming Institute, then the Micro EDC Educational Center, the EuroAmerican Center for Studies and Culture and the EuroAmerican Technological Institute with more of 40 years of experience.

Francisco Javier Tafur-Méndez , Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario EuroAmericano - Ecuador

Research Coordinator and Head of Online Education Department at EuroAmericano Technical College.  

Researcher for Ecuador's Ministry of Education and Founder and CEO of FETAFUR Consulting S.A. 

Master's degree in and educational technology and innovation and Trainer of Trainers. 

Valeria Alejandra Almao-Malvacias, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario EuroAmericano - Ecuador

Student at Tecnológico EuroAmericano in Multimedia career. Research assistant at Tafur Consulting S.A. Trainer of Trainers. Member of a FCI project from University of Guayaquil since 2021. Speaker at the 1st International Congress on Community Service from the University of Guayaquil 2021.



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