Analysis of political marketing strategies digital of candidate Xavier Hervas in the millennials electors

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Robinson Jacinto Tandazo-Juela
Evelyn Katiuska Gallegos-Calderón
Vladimir Alexander Avila-Rivas


The influence of the digital political marketing strategies applied by the candidate Xavier Hervas to the millennial voters in the digital media were reflected in the results of the presidential elections Ecuador 2021; the candidate obtained the fourth place with 15.68% of the votes. Therefore, the main objective of the research is to analyze the influence of digital political marketing strategies in electoral campaigns in favor of the candidate. The focus of the research is quali-quantitative, this is a flexible method that allows to collect, analyze and classify the information of the studied phenomenon, together with a descriptive and documentary modality, since it is intended to explain the influence of the strategies towards millennial voters. The collection of information was carried out through primary sources with the survey instrument for the respective analysis and secondary sources where the textual data will be validated. For the application of the instrument, a study sample of 384 people with ages ranging from 16 to 41 years was established in Ecuador, a segment that is immersed in the voting decision.
As a final result, the most important strategies of the candidate were determined: The candidate's participation was made known forcefully in digital media, the voters demonstrated a very positive acceptance, later a wide acceptance by the female public was identified, the strength of their The image is composed of his campaign proposals, viral trends and professional career, the most relevant themes in campaigns were employment, education and health, the perception of interest and confidence that he demonstrated within this process was positive, it is concluded that Facebook, TikTok and Instagram are the three preferred platforms and where it is recommended to work with innovative content if you want to generate excellent results.


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How to Cite
Tandazo-Juela, R., Gallegos-Calderón, E., & Avila-Rivas, V. (2021). Analysis of political marketing strategies digital of candidate Xavier Hervas in the millennials electors. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6), 336-352.
Author Biographies

Robinson Jacinto Tandazo-Juela, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Born in the city of Machala, El Oro province, Ecuador.

He is a graduate student of the Marketing Engineering career at the Technical University of Machala.

My experience in research has been strengthened over the years, with the help of projects of subjects corresponding to the chairs awarded by the professors of the career, in community service work and in connection with society.

Evelyn Katiuska Gallegos-Calderón, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Born in the city of Machala, El Oro province, Ecuador.


Graduated student from the Marketing Engineering career at the Technical University of Machala.


Participate in the development of the scientific article published with the topic: Media mix as a key strategy for the promotion of dairy products as part of the linking process, as well as in the research on the brands positioned on mass consumption products in the province of El Oro developed by the company UPA Comunicaciones as part of the pre-professional internship process, with the tutoring of our teachers through the subject projects.

Vladimir Alexander Avila-Rivas, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Doctor in Administrative Sciences from the UMMSM


Coordinator of the Marketing career at UTMACH since 2019


Titular Research Professor of the UTMACH since 2014


President of the Travel Agency AVILA TOURS CIA. LTDA.


Experience in the area of ​​Marketing, Sales and customer service for 12 years.


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