Legal certainty regarding the profit tax

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Johanna Maribel Toapanta-Chicaiza
Erika Cristina García-Erazo


The Utility Tax applied to the transfer to real estate located ownership in the urban sector. In Ecuador, the collection of this tax is part of the revenues of the municipal and metropolitan governments, to which the COOTAD has granted the power to modify its rate by decree, which has generated a legal problem that directly violates principles such as the preservation of law and legal certainty. Moreover, this tax, which was reformed in principle only in its denomination with the enactment of the COOTAD, has affected the very object of the tax, since it covers all types of property transfers, including those of free title, such as inheritances and donations, where there is no evidence of a real benefit, i.e. the same generating fact. This paper seeks to critically analyze the importance of the normative hierarchy and legal certainty in tax matters by recognizing the generating fact for the payment of taxes. The methodology and approaches used for this study are qualitative, as defined by Sampieri. The results show that the rules must be clear and, under the Constitution and tax principles, guarantee the taxpayers' rights.



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How to Cite
Toapanta-Chicaiza , J. ., & García-Erazo, E. . (2024). Legal certainty regarding the profit tax. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 354-367.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Johanna Maribel Toapanta-Chicaiza , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

I am a student of the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, in the career of Law. In the field of research, my affiliation has allowed me to generate articles and essays that analyze legal problems. 

Erika Cristina García-Erazo, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts of the Republic, Master in Law, with a diploma in University Teaching and pursuing a Doctorate in Legal Sciences at the Catholic University of Argentina; currently a teacher and researcher at the Indo-America Technological University; He has worked in the public sector where he has learned about the development of legal bases of Public Law, which have served as a basis in the exercise of his teaching and research career to generate bibliographic review articles that comparatively analyze doctrinal, jurisprudential and regulatory elements on principles of the Law based on the legal problems that can be detected in society. 


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