Analysis of management skills, a key element for strengthening enterprises in the municipality of Balancán, Tabasco

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Kenia Landero-Valenzuela
Yhadira Huicab-García
Raziel Esau Coop-Abreu
Luis Alfredo Méndez-Jiménez


The current situation for mipymes is complex because on a daily basis they face a series of challenges and challenges, where personnel play a very important role in the positioning and growth of the same, an organization cannot aspire to be competent if it does not have a trained, involved and committed staff, so the skills and competencies are necessary to face changes, implement new and better solutions, projects, direct it efficiently and effectively, for this and more they have been a key element to lead and successfully manage it; For this reason, managers must develop capabilities, styles, strategies and tools that allow them to generate performance and increase the productivity of companies; The objective of this dissertation is to analyze management skills in mipymes s in the municipality of Balancán, Tabasco, through a methodology with a quantitative approach, descriptive scope of a non-experimental, transversal type; where the essential management skills (personal, interpersonal and group) of 495 mipymes from the various sectors were analyzed through the questionnaire with a simple random probabilistic sampling in order to visualize areas of opportunity for these and establish strategies that contribute to their strengthening; As findings, these demand skills and competencies with new practices in direction, management and control in their managers; Therefore, they require training, establishment of policies that help achieve this in order to be competitive. 


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How to Cite
Landero-Valenzuela , K., Huicab-García , Y., Coop-Abreu, R. ., & Méndez-Jiménez , L. . (2024). Analysis of management skills, a key element for strengthening enterprises in the municipality of Balancán, Tabasco. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(1), 831-840.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Kenia Landero-Valenzuela , Tecnológico Nacional de México - México

Doctor of Administration, teacher Researcher at the TecNM campus de los Ríos from 2007 to date, belonging to the academy of the Bachelor of Administration, desirable profile by PRODEP, candidate of the National System of Researchers and member of the academic body in consolidation: Administrative Socioeconomic Sciences of the Bachelor of Administration, member of the State System of Researchers from 2016. 

Yhadira Huicab-García , Tecnológico Nacional de México

Leader of the Academic Body in Consolidation ITESLR-CA2 "Socioeconomic Administrative Sciences", Candidate of the National System of Researchers, Member of the State System of Researchers of Tabasco, Appointment since 2015 as Professor with a desirable profile, Consultant and Advisor to the CIIE ITS de los Ríos , Research Professor at ITSR

Raziel Esau Coop-Abreu , Tecnológico Nacional de México - México

Member of the Academic Body in Consolidation ITESLR-CA2 "Socioeconomic Administrative Sciences", Member of the State System of Researchers of Tabasco, Appointment since 2015 as Professor with a desirable profile, Consultant and Advisor of the CIIE ITS de los Ríos, Research Professor of the tecnm campus de los Ríos.

Luis Alfredo Méndez-Jiménez , Tecnológico Nacional de México - México

Member of the Academic Body in Consolidation ITESLR-CA2 "Socioeconomic Administrative Sciences", Professor with desirable Profile, Consultant and Advisor of the CIIE ITS de los Ríos, Research Professor of the TecNM campus de los Ríos.


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