Impact of service quality on satisfaction and loyalty in the pharmaceutical industry, the case of Mia Pharmacies

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Douglas Antonio Suárez-Flores
Leslie Arianna Márquez-Ríos
Irene Sanchez-González 
Vladimir Alexander Avila-Rivas


The present research work has the purpose of knowing the purchasing behavior of the customers of the Mia Pharmacy in the city of Pasaje, the objective of this research is the impact of the quality of service on the satisfaction and loyalty of the pharmaceutical industry. For this purpose, the theoretical framework analyzes the constructs: quality of service, loyalty and satisfaction, in which the quantitative methodology was applied with a sample of 265 economically active customers or those who have made a purchase at Mia Pharmacies. The results obtained allow the acceptance of the hypotheses that were raised, thus demonstrating that the quality of service has a positive influence on loyalty, leading to customer loyalty and inducing purchase intentions; customer satisfaction and loyalty result in consumers perceiving our brand as the best alternative, while the quality of service and satisfaction are framed within the experiences obtained in the dimensions of the service acquired.


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How to Cite
Suárez-Flores, D., Márquez-Ríos, L. ., Sanchez-González , I., & Avila-Rivas, V. . (2022). Impact of service quality on satisfaction and loyalty in the pharmaceutical industry, the case of Mia Pharmacies. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6), 95-111.
Author Biographies

Douglas Antonio Suárez-Flores, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

I am Douglas Suárez, a student of the Marketing career at the Technical University of Machala, I am currently studying the last semester and prior to obtaining my third level degree, throughout my academic preparation I have participated in courses, trainings and projects that It has been beneficial to be able to carry out academic research with primary and secondary sources, likewise, achieving the development of a scientific article with satisfaction. 

Leslie Arianna Márquez-Ríos, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

I am Arianna Márquez, student of the Marketing career at the Technical University of Machala, I am currently finishing the last semester of the career, prior to obtaining my third level degree. During my university career I have participated in several trainings and projects. In research I have developed academic research with primary and secondary sources, which has allowed me to achieve a scientific article. 

Irene Sanchez-González

Teacher - researcher at the Technical University of Machala, Marketing Engineer from the Technical University of Machala, Master in Business Administration with a mention in Human Resources and Marketing from the University of Guayaquil, Diploma in Marketing from the University of Guadalajara-Mexico, Diploma in scientific writing, Instituto de Salamanca-Colombia, and Diploma in Social Networks Academia Impacta-Mexico. PhD candidate in Marketing from the University of Valencia - Spain. Marketing and Market Research Consultant. Marketing Director of service companies. Teaching experience at a higher level since 2014 in the subjects of Marketing, International Marketing, Community Marketing, Promotional Marketing, Market Research, Marketing Management, He has published books, book chapters and scientific articles. She is currently Administrative Vice Chancellor of the Technical University of Machala 

Vladimir Alexander Avila-Rivas

Doctor in Administrative Sciences from the UMMSM 


Coordinator of the Marketing career at UTMACH since 2019 


Titular Research Professor of the UTMACH since 2014 


President of the Travel Agency AVILA TOURS CIA. LTDA. 


Experience in the area of ​​Marketing, Sales and customer service for 12 years. 


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