Accounting management of inventories withdrawn due to deterioration. Case study: Azendelog Company

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Norma Lucía López-Cajilima
Cecilia Ivonne Narváez-Zurita
Juan Carlos Erazo-Álvarez
Mireya Magdalena Torres-Palacios


Currently, the economic growth of companies and international competition has led to the generation of standards in accordance with International Accounting Standards, in order to present financial statements comparable to those of international companies, facilitating the interpretation of the accounting information and financial decision making. For this reason, companies need that their financial statements are adjusted to reality and that their accounting records are supported through current legal regulations. One of the problems presented by companies dedicated to the commercialization of products, where the most important item of the financial statements corresponds to their inventories, is the control over them as well as the accounting treatment when deteriorated products are presented, for this reason the The main objective of this topic to be discussed is to prepare a methodological procedure for the application of IAS 2 and to determine the existence of impairment as well as its respective accounting treatment. The methodology to be followed in this research is based on a non-experimental type design, the mixed qualitative approach because through the opinions and experiences uncertainties and quantitative were identified, since through results obtained an analysis was applied to the accounting treatment of inventories, thus establishing a model on accounting processes based on IAS 2 and through which the company can consider that the lack of control in inventories regarding expiration, application of acquisition costs and their sales expenses can cause deterioration that affects to the final results of its financial statements and therefore a tax impact.


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How to Cite
López, N., Narváez, C., Erazo, J., & Torres, M. (2020). Accounting management of inventories withdrawn due to deterioration. Case study: Azendelog Company. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(4-1), 153-169.
Author Biographies

Norma Lucía López-Cajilima, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Norma Lucía López: With a 13-year career in the accounting field, I currently hold the position of accountant for a prestigious private company based in the city of Cuenca.

Academic title: Accounting and Auditing Engineer (CPA)

Cecilia Ivonne Narváez-Zurita, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Ivonne Narváez Zurita, coordinator of the Master's Degree in Accounting and Auditing at the Catholic University of Cuenca, has 13 years of experience in university teaching. She has contributed as an author to more than 150 scientific articles in the areas of Accounting and Auditing, Business Administration and Constitutional Law during the last two years.

Academic degrees:


Accounting and Auditing Engineer (CPA)

Master in Business Administration

PhD (c) Economics

Juan Carlos Erazo-Álvarez, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Juan Carlos Erazo, coordinator of the Master in Business Administration at the Catholic University of Cuenca, has 17 years of experience in the field of university teaching, and has contributed as an author to more than 200 scientific articles in the areas of Business Administration, Constitutional Law, Accounting and Auditing, and Education, during the last two years.

Academic degrees:

Financial Engineer

Master in Business Administration

Master in Education Management

PhD (c) Economics


Mireya Magdalena Torres-Palacios, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Mireya Torres is a specialist in Auditing at the General State Comptroller's Office with 16 years of experience. She has been a Guest Academic Teacher at the Master's Degree in Accounting and Auditing at the Catholic University of Cuenca for the last 4 years, and has contributed as an author of scientific articles in the area of Accounting Sciences.


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