Artificial Intelligence as a Decisive Tool for Obtaining Alimony Benefits

Roberth Adrián Sanchez-Pintado , Marcel Eugenio Villavicencio-Quinde , José Santiago Sánchez-Zambrano


Differentiation Strategy Based on JAS Certification to Improve the Export of Organic Bananas

Alisbha Michelle Calderón-Sánchez , Michelle Stefania Cordova-Ramos , Jorge Eduardo Arias-Montero


Article 129 of the LOSEP: an Analysis of the Labor and Economic Impact on Public Servants in Ecuador

Cristina Stefanía Saldarriaga-Camacho , Hilda Fernanda Sigüenza-Sigüenza , Mónica Cecibel Gallegos-Avendaño


Chiller Carrier: Costs of Applying Reliability-Centered Maintenance

Vicente Antonio Sánchez-Ruiz , Galvin Antonio Toala-Arcentales


Analysis of the Photovoltaic Potential of the University Campus of the State University of the South of Manabí, Jipijapa

Juan Manuel Guerrero-Calero , Rene Gras-Rodriguez , Bryan Alejandro , Rodrigo Paul Cabrera-Verdezoto


The Evolution of Oil Exports and its Impact on the Economic Growth of Ecuador, 2007-2021

Juan Andrés Mejía-Almenaba , Yandry José Olarte-Sancán , Victor Alfonso Cobeña-Veliz , Carlos Luis Iza-Cedeño


Impact of public policies applied to open public space in the city of Azogues

Bertha Lucila Cabrera-Moncayo , Jorge Edwin Ormaza-Andrade , Yonimiler Castillo-Ortega


Linguistic skills in foreign language of 7th year students. Case: Escuela Fiscal Adolfo Fassio, Guayaquil

Karla Estefania Flores-Cabrera , Luisa Socorro Cabrera-Casco , Manuel Alberto Méndez-Bravo


Analysis of the Violation of the Rights of the Alleged Father in a Prenatal Aid Food Trial, When it Turns Out Not to Be So

Ximena Carolina Reyes-Piedta , Cinthya Rosario Cabrera-Vásquez , Fausto Ricardo Barrera-Bravo


Conundrums of Financial Management of the Ecuadorian Cooperative Sector During the Pandemic Transition

Carlos Santiago Masaquiza-Caiza , Juan Carlos Alarcón-Gavilanes , Roberto Carlos Erazo-Brito , Verónica Soledad Dillon-Ricaurte


Concurrent Design Applied to the Study of the Automation of a Briquetting Machine

Verónica Marisol Gallo-Caiza , Pamela Monserrath Espejo-Velasco , Santiago Javier Álvarez-Tobar


User-Oriented Business Model for the Installation of a Photovoltaic Generation System

Melinton Ricardo Trujillo-Núñez , Eduardo Luis Calo-Villalva, Gendry Daniel Solís-Pastor


Demand in the Distribution Network of the Olympic Primary Circuit and its Impact on the Implementation of Charging Stations

Eduardo Luis Calo-Villalva, Roberto Asdrúbal Segura-Flores , Gabriel Alejandro Vaca-Ortega , Edison Javier Balseca-Jijón


Self-efficacy, motivation and personal goals in virtual environments of Higher Education

Sheyla Marjorie Jácome-León, Pablo Israel Puga-Places, Solange Elizabeth Briones-Jácome


Dance as a means for educational inclusion in children with special educational needs in physical education classes

Carmen Eliana Lucero-Lucero, Vanessa Monserrat Bravo-Quinteros, Orlando Patricio Romero-Ibarra


Contemporary dance, as a didactic strategy for the inclusion of students with anorexia in physical education classes

Blanca Cecilia Mejía-Barrera, Yolanda Noemí Orellana-Cárdenas, Orlando Patricio Romero-Ibarra


Artificial intelligence as a new alternative for marketing

Clarkent Rubén Mackay-Castro, Ingrid Liz Muñoz-Feraud, Eva Leonor Medrano-Freire, Rubén Alberto Mackay-Véliz


Rural Aging and the Transfer of Land from Small Agricultural Producers in Teapa, Tabasco

Liliana Guadalupe Jauregui-Beltrán , Aracely Celina Sanchez-Albores , Gabriela del Carmen Cornelio-Cruz


Agricultural Producers and Productive Capacity, Teapa, Tabasco

Aracely Celina Sanchez-Albores , Liliana Guadalupe Jauregui-Beltrán , Gabriela del Carmen Cornelio-Cruz


Social Media Marketing and the Design of Positioning Strategies in Interprovincial Transport Companies in the City of Machala

Jeniffer Lizbeth Fernández-Chuchuca , Irene María Feijoo-Jaramillo , Manuel Arcesio López-Feijoo


Inclusive Education and its Influence on the Socio-Emotional Development of Children with SEN

María Narcisa Bustamante-Jumbo, Roxana Natalí Albán-Cruz , Juan Pablo Alvarez-Chamba , José Gregorio Albán-Cruz


Contribution of the university community in Sustainable Development. Action proposal for the University of Guayaquil

William Lenin Chenche-Jácome , Roma Lalama-Franco, Alexis Moisés Caiza-Murillo, Génesis Georgina Mera-Plúas
