Nutritional composition of a product such as Lupine Hummus and Dried Tomato

Carolina Alicia Paz-Yépez , Felipe Ricardo Zapata-Becerra , Mariana Narcisa Gavilanes-Tomalá , Ana Maria Campuzano-Vera


Social communication and its relationship with education higher

Miguel Ángel Cabello-Vivar, Eva Leonor Medrano-Freire , Joselyn Lizbeth Soria-Ortiz


Reality of higher education as State policy

Fernando Santana Magallán-Jiménez , Lorena Isabel Mejía-Burgos , Luis Enrique Pinzón-Barriga, Luis Gerardo Santillán-López


Blockchain educational technology to prevent cyberattacks in ITSOEH.

Jesús Alberto García-Rojas, Teresa de Jesús Vargas-Vega , Raquel Rodríguez-Aguilar, Kenia Landeros-Valenzuela


Children's theater in the emotional development of boys and girls from 3 to 5 years old

Rosa Delfina Giler-Giler, Helen Tatiana Vélez-Zambrano, Melanie Marcela Mejía-Macías


Mobile learning: ability of university students as part of the evolution of ICT

Oscar Luis Mejía-Burgos , María Alejandra Zúñiga-Alvarado , Fernando Rodolfo Orellana-Ingriago , Luis Humberto Barzola-López


Los tributos del ecuador y su participación en el presupuesto general del estado

Oscar Simón Ibarra-Carrera , María Isabel Aguayo-Delgado, Javier Antonio Constantino-Castro , Victor Julio Pizarro-Vargas


Exports and imports and their impact on Ecuador's trade balance

Mayra Emerita Gallegos-Vargas, Rodrigo Antonio Carrión-Aguilar , Leonardo Roberto Espinoza-Roca, Christian Xavier Lopez-Pinargote


Perception of the Motorex brand by vehicle lubricant marketers in Manta, Ecuador

Carlos Manuel Sanchez-Pincay, Guillermo Antonio Hinostroza-Dueñas


Sustainable innovation and its link with organizational performance. A construct validity study.

María del Carmen Alonzo-Godoy, María de los Ángeles Cervantes-Rosas , Rafael Ávalos-Pelayo , Rogelio Daniel Bote-Caamal


Psychosocial risk factors and how they affect job satisfaction

Sandra Cruz Ordoñez-García, Wayky Alfredo Luy-Navarrete, Jesús Merino-Velásquez


Evaluation of the mining sector and its impact on the GDP of Ecuador, period 2019 -2021

Juana Alexandra Jácome-Pilatasig, Carolina Estefanía Enríquez-Jaramillo, Francisco Marcelo Caicedo-Atiaga


Truth as Constitutional Law in the Ecuadorian legal system

Jairo Renán Vargas-Arcos , Borman Renán Vargas-Villacrés, Gissela Elizabeth Vargas-Arcos


Enforcement of environmental regulations in forest heritage block 10

Jorge Patricio Tacuri-Ramón , Ricardo Hernán Salazar-Orozco


Femicide and its injustice in the face of growing violence in Ecuador.

Ivan Enrique Cazar-Cardenas , Fernando Eduardo Paredes-Fuertes


Integral repair of the ecuadorian state to the victims of the prison system.

Winder Iván Solís-Santillán, Wilson Napoleón Del Salto-Pazmiño


Assisted human reproduction, comparative law analysis

Martha Claribel Sánchez-Bravo, Sabina Lorena Gamboa-Vargas


Environmental pollution and violation of rights of nature

Ivan Marcelo Fierro-Ramos , Ricardo Hernán Salazar-Orozco
