Strategic direction for the strengthening of SMEs in thesouthernarea of ​​Manabí

Martha Lorena Figueroa-Soledispa, María Raquel Moreno-Ponce, José Jorge Tualombo-Tituaña


Customer satisfaction in the sale of vehicle sale services: Nexus Corp Case

Oswaldo Walter Ochoa-Reyes, Wilton Eduardo Romero-Black, Norman Vinicio Mora-Sanchez


Impact of service quality on satisfaction and loyalty in the pharmaceutical industry, the case of Mia Pharmacies

Douglas Antonio Suárez-Flores, Leslie Arianna Márquez-Ríos, Irene Sanchez-González , Vladimir Alexander Avila-Rivas


Analysis of the budget execution of public investment projects of three national universities of Lima, 2017

Jackelyne Yurybel Panez-Santa Cruz, Elvira Cáceres-Cayllahua , Javier Rubén Antonio-Vargas, Jimmy Oscar Callohuanca-Aceituno
