The violation of equality of arms in the anticipated declaration of victims of sexual crimes.

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Eddy Vladimir Cevallos-Capurro


Crimes against sexual integrity are dealt with based on the basic evidence given by the testimony, taking into account that said criminal act generally takes place without the presence of eyewitnesses. In this way, to prevent the victim from being re-victimized, in Ecuador use is made of advance testimony, which is fully consistent with all the principles of due process, in the same way it must be considered that, through the use of the camera of Gessel for the taking of early testimony of the victims of sexual crimes, the illegitimate restriction of the principle of equality of arms is avoided, being important to emphasize that within the resources contemplated by the right to defense there is space for the parties to support their positions and rebut the foundations by the counterpart, hence the guarantees of active participation and equality of arms stand out within the right to defense in such a way as to guarantee the contribution of elements that legitimize or discharge a criminal process.


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How to Cite
Cevallos-Capurro, E. (2022). The violation of equality of arms in the anticipated declaration of victims of sexual crimes. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(1-1), 537-547.
Author Biography

Eddy Vladimir Cevallos-Capurro, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador


Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador, graduated at Central University of Ecuador in 2015; Student of the Pontifical Catholic University, of the Master of Criminal Law; I am currently serving as Legal Advisor for the National Police of Ecuador.


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