Infringement of the adversarial principle in the granting of protection measures to victims of domestic violence.

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Carlos Marcelo Guzmán-Méndez


To ensure and protect the most vulnerable groups, this research work focuses in some way on their identification; find a mechanism to reduce the current high level of domestic violence in Ecuador. Knowledge of legal environment in which women fight domestic violence and the sanctions that can be imposed on perpetrators is essential for society; However, in addition to the sanctions that can be applied to those who attack women, there are other very important aspects to consider; for example, the abuse of protective measures by those who accept them in their favor, and in particular in cases of abuse of the protection provided by law; in such a way that the desire to punish is exceeded and causes a situation in which the excess of precautionary measures causes the man who allegedly committed the aggression to be affected in his right to the presumption of innocence and defense.


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How to Cite
Guzmán-Méndez, C. . (2022). Infringement of the adversarial principle in the granting of protection measures to victims of domestic violence. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(1-1), 510-520.
Author Biography

Carlos Marcelo Guzmán-Méndez, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador


Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador graduated from the Central University of Ecuador, in 2012; Since July 2013 I have been a District Legal Adviser Analyst at the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador.


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