Personalized strategies for teaching in basic education: review study.

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Elizabeth Aliaga-Correa


Personalized Strategies (EP) in basic education are essential tools for teachers in the individual attention of their students, taking into account their intelligence, rhythms and learning styles, as well as their special educational needs, becoming their challenge. , leading to leave dehumanization behind, to turn it into humanizing man as the center and actor of his learning and self-realization process. This research is a systematic review study, whose objective is to analyze the concept of Personalized Strategies, taking into account books and research from different years. The methodology used for the study was, analysis and synthesis, inductive deductive. Of a total of 100 documents between articles, theses and database books reviewed from: Scopus, Scielo, Redalyc, Dialnet, EBSCO, Google Scholar, 40 were selected. In the results obtained, it is evident that many authors define PE from different perspectives, admitting that it is student-centered didactics, for the achievement of their learning. Another discovery is that PE can be used in virtual, face-to-face or hybrid environments and in inclusive education. Among the main conclusions is that the PEs adapt easily to the characteristics of the students, promote meaningful learning and by discovery, promote the active interaction of the student with the teacher, as well as lead the student to improve their learning and strengthen their psychological and emotional development, as well as acquire their autonomy, to be communicative, critical, reflective, proactive, empathic, tolerant and decisive in the face of global problems.


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How to Cite
Aliaga-Correa, E. (2022). Personalized strategies for teaching in basic education: review study. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(1-1), 332-342.
Author Biography

Elizabeth Aliaga-Correa, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú


EI primary level teacher. N ° 821478, from the community of Miraflores, Peru. 

Degree in education from the National University of Cajamarca (UNC), Peru. Master of Science, Mention: Education, Line: Planning and administration of Education, by the National University of Cajamarca (UNC), Peru. 

Author of the book: I am prepared to face natural and / or technological disasters, reducing the risk in my IE. N ° 821478 of the community of Miraflores - Cortegana. 

Currently a doctoral student at the Cesar Vallejo University - Peru.


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