Social responsibility and the creation of shared value. Fundamental bases in the management of SMEs.

Main Article Content

Martha Lorena Figueroa-Soledispa
María Raquel Moreno-Ponce
José Jorge Tualombo-Tituaña


This research article is developed with the purpose of analyzing social responsibility and shared This article is developed with the purpose of analyzing social responsibility and shared value as a fundamental basis in the management of SMEs in Portoviejo. To achieve the objective set forth in the study, the research is developed with a descriptive documentary methodology, where social responsibility and shared value are analyzed as the bases of the management of SMEs in Portoviejo under a critical review of thought. Emphasizing that corporate social responsibility and shared value are important aspects for companies, which aim to maximize their development, and both provide different points of view on how companies can optimize their results. Similarly, it is important to highlight the shared value within small and medium-sized companies, knowing that the direction and decision-making of those responsible are the subject of the actions of the staff, which leads to the achievement of objectives and the success of the organizations. Under this criterion, this research work is concluded with the promotion of social responsibility and shared value as a fundamental tool in business actions in Ecuador, based on the importance and benefits that these bring to the development of the communities.


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How to Cite
Figueroa-Soledispa, M. ., Moreno-Ponce, M., & Tualombo-Tituaña , J. (2022). Social responsibility and the creation of shared value. Fundamental bases in the management of SMEs. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(1-1), 430-439.
Author Biographies

Martha Lorena Figueroa-Soledispa, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí - Ecuador


Magister in Teaching mention Management in Curriculum Development; Master in Business Administration; Diploma in Self-Assessment and University Accreditation; Commercial Engineer; Public accountant. 

María Raquel Moreno-Ponce, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí - Ecuador


Economist with a Financial mention graduated from the Catholic University of Santiago of Guayaquil, Master in Business Administration graduated from the Technical University of Manabí, Professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the State University of the South of Manabí in the chairs of Fundamentals of Economics, Market Research and Environmental Economics. Publication of a scientific article called "The managerial competencies of the managerial staff of Catholic University of Santiago of Guayaquil and its impact on the organizational culture." 

José Jorge Tualombo-Tituaña, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí - Ecuador


Commercial Engineer with specialization in Foreign Trade, Accounting and Auditing Engineer, Master in Business Administration, Planning Analyst at the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador, Teacher of the Faculty of Economics at the University State of South of Manabí, publication of a scientific article entitled "Corporate Social Responsibility in urban transport cooperatives in Portoviejo, Province of Manabí, Ecuador", Subjects assigned: Finance, Management Auditing and Statistics applied to tourism. 


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