The effect of TikTok: Theorical – methodological approach to the political communication management in the 21st century generations

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Beatriz Annabell Loor-Ávila
Verónica Baquerizo-Álava


The authors of this research analyze the incidence of digital communication platforms in the voting generations of the 21st century. Which leads to a new way of perceiving and managing political communication. The study focuses mainly on the social network TikTok and how the use and effect of this platform generated empathy and acceptance in the various sectors of the country. The main problem, a stance of rejection of the politics of exposing passive, superficial discourses, disconnected from the reality of youth, that still is presented as a problem, these traditional models and ambiguous sociocultural and political schemes that were the indicators to the demotivation and uninteresting of the voters and the question is formulated: What is the theoretical methodological approach that supports the use of the TikTok tool in the management of political communication in the new generations in Ecuador? For this reason, the need arises to present new communicational scenarios in the marketing of a modern policy, where the importance of social networks has gained strength through the generation of new content. The main objective is to analyze the impact of the Ecuadorian presidential political campaigns on young voters and users of TikTok. In Ecuador, for the presidential elections of 2021, several candidates made use of this platform, trying to communicate their government message through this means, as well as showing their activities carried out during the campaign period. The methodological approach based on the review of the literature considering that we are in a theoretical review investigation. All these antecedents provoke a new protagonist on the part of the new society, the TikTok effect, which through citizen participation, solidarity gives a clear example of building a better world with public policies that favor the new generations as the main protagonists of history.


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How to Cite
Loor-Ávila, B., & Baquerizo-Álava, V. (2022). The effect of TikTok: Theorical – methodological approach to the political communication management in the 21st century generations. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(2-1), 27-40.
Author Biographies

Beatriz Annabell Loor-Ávila, Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC - Ecuador


Doctor in Social Communication Sciences. Degree in Languages ​​and Linguistics and Master in Higher Education. Professor at the Ecotec University in the Faculty of Marketing and Communication. Teacher in the Master of Educational Management of the UEES. Leader of the Communication and Journalism collective He has participated in several national and international events. He has publications in Indexed Magazines, such as Latindex and Scopus. Education and communication thesis tutor Ecotec and Unemi.

Verónica Baquerizo-Álava, Universidad Tecnológica ECOTEC - Ecuador


President at Captur Samborondón, Dean of the Marketing and Communication and Global Studies and Hospitality Faculty at ECOTEC University and CEO at Powering Ecuador with Verónica Baquerizo Álava.


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