Method of the Organic Code of Territorial Ordering, Autonomy and Decentralization in the postal address of Equator

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Hector Geovanny Acosta-Jordan
Wagner Guillermo Salazar-Sanchez


This research began by describing how necessary and fundamental should be the use of postal service in Ecuador, aligning it to the regulations of first world countries, revealing the lack of allocation of postal address number in urban and rural areas, which by means of optional and regulatory actions fill the gap, and that these are included with the necessary legal framework within the Organic Code of Organization, Territorial, Autonomy and Decentralization (COOTAD). Also, the steps to be followed are defined, so that administrative actions comply with the requirements to improve the Public Management of the Decentralized Autonomous Governments (GADs). In this sense, the general objective was to develop the method to be applied in COOTAD. To this end, the research used was descriptive-explanatory, with a mixed approach, i.e., quantitative and qualitative, in order to analyze and propose improvements in the process of using the postal service. The result of the present investigation contributed to define the elements that do not exist and are necessary in the legal framework in the COOTAD, for the standardized application of communication, identification, and location of the people who make use of the postal service.


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How to Cite
Acosta-Jordan, H., & Salazar-Sanchez, W. (2021). Method of the Organic Code of Territorial Ordering, Autonomy and Decentralization in the postal address of Equator. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6-1), 5-18.
Author Biographies

Hector Geovanny Acosta-Jordan, Pontificia Univesidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato - Ecuador


Lawyer Doctor in Jurisprudence Mention Civil Law, Specialist Criminal Law, Autonomous Regional University of the Andes UNIANDES. Legal Lawyer of Financial Management and Control GAD Municipality of Ambato, Legal Lawyer of Income Gad Municipal of San Pedro de Pelileo, General Intendant of Police of the Province of Tungurahua.

Wagner Guillermo Salazar-Sanchez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ambato - Ecuador


Dr. Wagner Guillermo Salazar Sánchez, Lawyer, Doctor of Jurisprudence. PUCE, Specialist in Tax Legislation. Simón Bolívar Andean University. Postgraduate in Tax Law. University of Salamanca, Spain. Master in Economics with a mention in Decentralization and Local Development. University of the Americas. Summa Cum Laude Award. Visiting professor PUCESA. Former Director of Legal Advice of the Association of Ecuadorian Municipalities, AME.


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