Speed of service, creating an image for your customers

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Rubí Esmeralda Díaz-Hernández
Jessica Lizet Cajún-Méndez
Geidy de los Ángeles Gómez-Xul


The study presents the importance of speed within the quality of service, since every customer wants to be served promptly, keeping customers happy is the key to ensure their loyalty to the products and services offered by the company, the opinion of each customer is based on perceptions regarding the corporate image, since the prestige that this has is a source to attract new customers and these become frequent consumers if they perceive a good service. The study is developed with a descriptive qualitative and quantitative vision, based on information obtained through a questionnaire under the SERVQUAL methodology with the objective of measuring the quality of service of a grocery store in the municipality of Escarcega, Campeche, analyzing the dimension "responsiveness" as it is the most important for customers to measure the perceived quality of service to create a positive image as a company oriented towards the market competition. Therefore, the information of each item will be classified graphically from most to least relevance, with the objective of recognizing the most important problems that should be focused on when expecting to obtain a timely service and a new configuration is proposed to improve the service in terms of its speed.


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How to Cite
Díaz-Hernández , R., Cajún-Méndez , J., & Gómez-Xul, G. de los Ángeles . (2021). Speed of service, creating an image for your customers. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6-1), 264-277. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.6-1.866
IV Coloquio de Investigación Estudiantil ITSE - Administración
Author Biographies

Rubí Esmeralda Díaz-Hernández , Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


Through the research I was able to analyze how the behavior influences sales, as it allowed me to know from another perspective the way stores operate, as well as I could also observe that they tend to improve in many aspects of the service they provide, because the staff they have is not always adequate, since the businesses have inadequate staff in the jobs and the same companies do not give their employees training on what it involves doing in their work area, That is why many of them do not always manage to work well, observe how customers and store personnel behave, because when entering the store the customer has to look for someone to serve him or is served immediately, the staff is not prepared 100% to their job and therefore takes time to give an answer.

Jessica Lizet Cajún-Méndez, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México



I was able to obtain a good development on the response capacity, I was able to know myself in depth and achieve a good performance reinforcing the capabilities as a student. I was able to achieve one more objective about the course and be able to get the right information that will help me later on as a professional and be able to use everything I learned about this topic that was addressed.

Geidy de los Ángeles Gómez-Xul, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México



Professor of the administrative area for 16 years at a higher level, master's studies in Administrative engineering, Prodep profile, member of the academic body "Management and development of companies" with code ITSESCA-CA-2, certification in the standard of competence EC0647 "Promote the meaningful learning in Higher and Higher Secondary Education ”. Research related to issues of Corporate Social Responsibility, Digital Marketing, Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship.


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