Identifying social development among students of the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega

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Naomy Janet Landero-Cruz
Roayni Anette Bautista-Espinoza
Sagrario María Quijano-Gutiérrez


Social development is that process that concerns the quality of life of the people of a locality or society, therefore, it encompasses poverty, with this it refers to vulnerability, violence and exclusion. It also considers indigenous groups, the elderly, people with disabilities, employment, etc.

It puts people first, studying in this way: basic needs, refers to nutrition, housing, water, etc. .; well-being, which refers to health, the environment and its quality, among others; and the opportunities of people, this talks about personal rights, inclusion, advanced education, etc.

The team conducted surveys of the student community, this to know the extent of knowledge of young people, with regard to the social development of the Escárcega community.


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How to Cite
Landero-Cruz , N. ., Bautista-Espinoza, R., & Quijano-Gutiérrez , S. . (2021). Identifying social development among students of the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6-1), 103-112.
IV Coloquio de Investigación Estudiantil ITSE - Administración
Author Biographies

Naomy Janet Landero-Cruz , Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


Third semester student of the Bachelor of Administration career at the Higher Technological Institute of Escárcega.

Roayni Anette Bautista-Espinoza , Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


Third semester student of the Bachelor of Administration career at the Higher Technological Institute of Escárcega.

Sagrario María Quijano-Gutiérrez , Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega - México


Research professor member of the business management and development academic team of the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Escárcega


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