Online consumer behavior and factors involved in the purchase decision in restaurants

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Johanna Lisbeth Henríquez-Ramírez
José Alejandro Asipuela-Girón
Irene Patricia Sánchez-González


The research studies the behavior of the online consumer and the significant changes it has undergone in the face of the purchase decision, the objective of the research is to analyze the behavior of the online consumer, and what are the factors that influence their purchase decision. Through a quantitative approach methodology, using the survey instrument, 271 surveys were applied to restaurant consumers. For the analysis of the results, the statistical programs SPSS and Smart PLS SEM 3.0 were used. The results suggest that the variables of marketing activities in social networks, trust and sustainability have a positive effect on online consumer behavior, therefore, it can be determined that consumer behavior influences the purchase decision; In other words, the hypotheses raised in the research were accepted in their entirety. The results also provide important tools to the commercial and academic sectors.


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How to Cite
Henríquez-Ramírez, J., Asipuela-Girón , J., & Sánchez-González, I. . (2021). Online consumer behavior and factors involved in the purchase decision in restaurants. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6), 391-404.
Author Biographies

Johanna Lisbeth Henríquez-Ramírez, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Student of the Technical University of Machala, of the last level of the Marketing career, interested in scientific research specifically in the area of ​​administration, the experience in carrying out this research gives us the opportunity to discuss and analyze the different criteria, and consequently to this ask ourselves questions in order to begin to channel the study.

José Alejandro Asipuela-Girón , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Student of the Technical University of Machala, of the last level of the Marketing career, interested in scientific research specifically in the area of ​​administration, as a research experience, it gives us the power to know the new realities, raise our questions and based to this to be able to channel the investigation

Irene Patricia Sánchez-González, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Teacher - researcher at the Technical University of Machala, Marketing Engineer, Master in Business Administration with a mention in Human Resources and Marketing, Diploma in Marketing and Diploma in Social Networks. Candidate for a PhD in Marketing. Marketing and Market Research Consultant. Marketing Director of service companies. Experience in higher level teaching since 2014 in Marketing, International Marketing, Community Marketing, Marketing Management, He has published books and scientific articles. Place of residence Machala-Ecuador


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