Bibliographic Review of wave simulation noise levels in closed spaces and their impact on occupational health

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Fabián Eduardo Bastidas-Alarcón
Carlos Ramiro Cepeda-Godoy
Geoconda Marisela Velasco-Castelo
Rodrigo Velásquez-Carvajal


Noise is ubiquitous in everyday life and can cause both hearing and non-hearing health effects. Loss of noise induced hearing is still very prevalent in environments occupational diseases and is increasingly caused by frequent exposure over the permissible limits of sound waves.  This article   introduces a review of the scope of the literature on wave simulation noise levels in closed spaces and the effects on occupational health. The methodology is based on four steps, which pose research questions, search for documents, selected papers and obtaining data. Out of a total of 316 database articles reviewed, such as Springer Link, Google Academic, Redalyc, Scopus and Scielo, 40 were finally elected. It was analyzed that the auditory and non-auditory effects by the presence of noise in closed places is increasing, showing that exposure causes discomfort and disturbs sleep, causing daytime sleepiness, which affects people’s performance, as well as increases the occurrence of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and it could impair  


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How to Cite
Bastidas-Alarcón, F., Cepeda-Godoy, C., Velasco-Castelo, G., & Velásquez-Carvajal, R. (2021). Bibliographic Review of wave simulation noise levels in closed spaces and their impact on occupational health. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(4-1), 166-185.
Author Biographies

Fabián Eduardo Bastidas-Alarcón, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) - Ecuador



Mechanical Engineer (2007) from the ESPOCH, Master in Industrial Safety, mention in risk prevention and occupational health (2016), at the UNACH, Teaching experience at the Faculty of Mechanics - ESPOCH, EXCEACCES, SNNA, university professor with 11 years of experience, researcher and sub-coordinator of research projects in the Security, Environment and Engineering Research Group (GISAI-ESPOCH), author and co-author of several regional indexed articles, Q3 and papers international

Student of the master’s degree in Applied Physics, mention in Computational Physics at the Technical University of Ambato (2021).

Carlos Ramiro Cepeda-Godoy, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) - Ecuador



Mechanical Engineer, Master in Industrial Safety, mention in risk prevention and occupational health, Research professor with more than 11 years of experience at ESPOCH, SNNA, Senescyt, co-author of books and publications in indexed journals, deputy director of the research group on environmental safety and GISAI engineering, resource management, civil and mechanical projects, application of industrial safety systems, quality and productivity management; design, construction and maintenance of metallic structures; advice in all branches of mechanical engineering and industrial safety; currently a professor at the Faculty of Sciences, Chemical Engineering Career in the chairs of Safety and Industrial Hygiene, Plant Engineering and Quality Control.


Mechanical Engineer (2007) from the ESPOCH, Master in Industrial Safety, mention in risk prevention and occupational health (2016), at the UNACH, Teaching experience at the Faculty of Mechanics - ESPOCH, EXCEACCES, SNNA, university professor with 11 years of experience, researcher and sub-coordinator of research projects in the Security, Environment and Engineering Research Group (GISAI-ESPOCH), author and co-author of several regional indexed articles, Q3 and papers international

Student of the master’s degree in Applied Physics, mention in Computational Physics at the Technical University of Ambato (2021).

Geoconda Marisela Velasco-Castelo, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) - Ecuador



Mechanical Engineer (2013) and Master in Industrial Management and Productive Systems (2016) at the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. She is dedicated to the Academy with an experience of 8 years, is a member of liaison projects in the Faculty of Business Administration- ESPOCH, is dedicated to Research in Data Science in the Research Group CIDED-ESPOCH, is author and co-author of several scientific articles, student at the Technical University of Ambato in the Master's Degree in Applied Physics mention Computational Physics (2021).

Rodrigo Velásquez-Carvajal, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) - Ecuador



Rodrigo Velásquez Carvajal, Mechanical Engineer, Master in Industrial Safety, Teacher in the Industrial Mechanics area, specialist in the design and construction of industrial machines and equipment, director of research projects related to the optimization of machines used in agricultural mechanization, coordinator of Research in the Industrial Mechanics Career. Period 2020 - 2022


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