Intergenerational learning of family violence: life experiences

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Gisella Yaniré Delgado-Castillo
Cruz Antonio Lip-Licham
Edwin Alberto Martínez-López


The objective was to find out if family violence is conditioned by intergenerational learning; It inquired about referential experiences and delved into family models of upbringing, in type socio-family antecedents and in determining if they were transmitted internally, conditioning the replication of violent attitudes through generations. Under the interpretive paradigm, the study had a qualitative approach and a hermeneutical phenomenological design, the sample consisted of three university students, their mothers and grandmothers; who experienced family violence. Intergenerational transmission channels were identified by way of upbringing, sociocultural patterns, environmental factors and personal interests. It was concluded that they had been victims of domestic violence, as part of a deep-rooted intergenerational learning; It was also evidenced that the students had interrupted the process of violence due to personal growth, self-sufficiency, academic-formative level and the environments in which they develop; promoting a de facto separation, avoiding violence and interrupting the intergenerational learning chain.


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How to Cite
Delgado-Castillo, G., Lip-Licham, C., & Martínez-López, E. (2021). Intergenerational learning of family violence: life experiences. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(4-1), 127-139.
Author Biographies

Gisella Yaniré Delgado-Castillo, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú y Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Lima - Perú



Doctor in Education, Master in Government and Health Management, Bachelor and Bachelor of Social Work. Specialist in sexual and reproductive health and research.  Postgraduate teacher, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú in Thesis Project, Thesis I and II and undergraduate teacher, Faculty of Psychology and Social Work, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Lima - Peru, to which she is institutionally affiliated.

Head of training of the Peruvian Institute of Responsible Parenthood (INPPARES).

Cruz Antonio Lip-Licham, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú y Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Lima - Perú



Doctor in Education, Master in Sports and Health, Bachelor in Physical Education, Bachelor in Education. He has served as Pedagogical and Academic Secretary of the Norbert Wiener University of Lima - Peru, currently develops thesis and research and thematic courses in master's and doctoral programs at the Graduate School of the Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Peru. He is institutionally affiliated to this university.

Edwin Alberto Martínez-López, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú



Doctor in Educational Sciences, Master in Education with a Mention in Quality Management, Self-evaluation and Accreditation; Bachelor in Industrial Engineering, Bachelor's Degree as Teacher of Secondary Education of Mathematics and Physics. I have held various positions such as General Manager, Manufacturing Manager, Production Manager, etc. in various companies in the industrial sector. Currently I work as a professor, teaching thematic and research courses in the master's and doctoral programs of the Graduate School at the César Vallejo University in Lima Peru. University to which I am institutionally affiliated.


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