Development of professor’s digital competences in face of the rise of online education

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Allison Jessica Brenis-García
Noel Alcas-Zapata
Fernando Camilo Maldonado-Alegre


At the present time, the progressive advancement of technology has made it possible the use of various digital tools in university education. This means a change in the way professors used to teach, since they use virtual resources that foster interactive learning in their teaching practice. It´s necessary the acquisition of digital competences since they involve various abilities. This article was made from the analysis of various updated sources. In this respect, the objective of this article is to analyze the importance of developing professors´ digital competences, as well as other aspects that should be considered for their proper implementation. This investigation is based on a documentary research and the method used is the analysis-synthesis. An overall review of educational work in the current context was made. It considered COVID-19 context and how it brought to light some weaknesses in the handling of technology by some professors. At the same time, a synthesis of the use of some technologies in university education was elaborated; it was observed that it cannot be denied the enormous relevance of them through platforms, that allow for the storage of materials, forums, recorded classes, and online tests. It was also analyzed the necessity of acquisition and later mastering of digital competences by professors. It was concluded that the development of digital competences will be attained through a process of knowledge of technological tools until their proper implementation. It´s important to note that not only the technical aspects, but also a group of pedagogical abilities contribute to the emotional, ethical, and cultural formation in a technological society.


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How to Cite
Brenis-García, A., Alcas-Zapata, N. ., & Maldonado-Alegre, F. (2021). Development of professor’s digital competences in face of the rise of online education. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(4), 111-121.
Author Biographies

Allison Jessica Brenis-García, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú


Master in Educational Psychology - César Vallejo University, Graduate in Education - Federico Villarreal National University. Doctoral studies, with certificates in virtual learning environments. She is a professor with a specialty in Writing, Argumentation and Academic Research. She has published some research articles pertaining to the educational field.

Noel Alcas-Zapata, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú


Doctor in Education, Master in University Teaching and Research, Bachelor of Education with a mention in Mathematics, Research Professor in Postgraduate Studies, Education and Social Sciences, Specialist in Teaching Mathematics. Qualified as a Concytec Investigator (Renacyt Code: P0034402).

Fernando Camilo Maldonado-Alegre, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú


Master in Linguistics from the National University Mayor de San Marcos and graduated from the Master in Evaluation and Accreditation of Educational Quality in this same house of studies. He is a professor and specialist in applied linguistics, communicative competence and academic writing. He has published several books and research articles in the field of education and reading comprehension.


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