Business strategy to minimize energy losses and their impact on the energy and operating efficiency levels of CNEL-EP

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José Luis Alchundia-Bravo
María Fernanda Mendoza-Saltos


The business strategy is a methodology that seeks to achieve one or more objectives through an action plan in which the strategic objectives for each functional area of ​​the organization are proposed, the National Electricity Corporation (Cnel-Ep) has a plan strategic and an organizational model that is established in the administrative unit called business unit, whose mission is to administer, execute and supervise the technical, commercial and administrative processes, coordinating with the respective Corporate Managements the timely and efficient provision of distribution services and commercialization of electrical energy; Therefore, the Business Unit must strengthen the review of the public service of distribution and commercialization of electric energy, of high quality and reliability for the benefit of special customers within its service area, as well as for the management of its own collection of The company, based on this, the question arises: What are the business strategies used by Cnel-Ep Provincia de Manabí to minimize energy losses and to improve energy and operational efficiency levels? To respond, the research was developed with a descriptive-level methodology, using an empirical design with methods such as the application of a survey to employees of the institution and clients, with this it was possible to corroborate that the commercial strategies used serve to minimize the losses and to improve the energy and operational efficiency of Cnel-Ep Manabí.


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How to Cite
Alchundia-Bravo, J., & Mendoza-Saltos, M. (2021). Business strategy to minimize energy losses and their impact on the energy and operating efficiency levels of CNEL-EP. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(4-1), 99-115.
Author Biographies

José Luis Alchundia-Bravo, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador


Master's Student in Business Administration/Graduate Institute/Technical University of Manabí/Ecuador/ Electrical Engineer

María Fernanda Mendoza-Saltos, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador



Degree in Accounting and Auditing, master’s in accounting and Auditing, PhD in the Accounting and Finance program at the University of Havana, Cuba.
Full-time assistant professor at the Technical University of Manabí.
Participation in research projects


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