Gaps detected in entrepreneurial training programs in face-to-face and virtual modality

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Andrés Aníbal Oyarzún-Cristi
Cristóbal Patricio Maturana-Contreras
Leonardo Ignacio Lobos-Muñoz


The effects of the pandemic are multiple, but it generates a day-to-day impact on training and education programs as well as on the generation of employment and entrepreneurship. For this reason, it is that the gaps in the results of an entrepreneurial training program in early-stage students are studied, which has already been developed in person and in the last year has been adapted to virtual modality. The main objective is to evaluate which the differences are - positive or negative - and suggest some lines of improvement based on the obtained results. The methodology is based on the application of measurement of the Entrepreneurial Characteristics of People of the participants, both at the beginnings and at the endings of the program, for after statistically analyze and conclude relevant aspects.
In sample concepts, three programs of equal duration in hours are considered, one face-to-face carried out in 2020 and two virtual versions executed during 2021. The main results indicate that there is no greater difference in the experiences, having as justification the management of the equipment reporter, but there is a decrease in the first virtual version where it is suggested that it was necessary to consider new elements and variables to achieve the expected results. It is understood that improvements should continue to be applied to reduce the existing gaps between the modalities, virtual programs being a source of exploration and generation of new initiatives.


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How to Cite
Oyarzún-Cristi, A., Maturana-Contreras, C., & Lobos-Muñoz, L. (2021). Gaps detected in entrepreneurial training programs in face-to-face and virtual modality. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(4), 59-72.
Author Biographies

Andrés Aníbal Oyarzún-Cristi, Universidad Arturo Prat - Chile


Professional with 5 years of experience, who works in the direction and coordination of a regional project for the entrepreneurial and innovative training of the community. Research interest in entrepreneurship, innovation and strategy.

Cristóbal Patricio Maturana-Contreras, Universidad Arturo Prat - Chile


Professional with experience in Tarapacá Labs and who led the implementation of the Tarapacá Labs School program, to teach and strengthen the entrepreneurial skills of young students in the Tarapacá region.

Leonardo Ignacio Lobos-Muñoz, Universidad Arturo Prat - Chile


Student of the Industrial Civil Engineering career, carrying out his practice as support in the execution of the Tarapacá Labs School program. Interest in entrepreneurial training in early stages


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