Development of a commercial information system with electronic invoicing for PYMES in the department of Puno

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Noe Wilber Tipo-Mamani Tipo Mamani
Eder Gutierrez-Quispe


The present research work is of an experimental quantitative type, it was searched solve the information management problem of small and medium enterprises (PYMES), that is difficult to administer and process manually. This work compares the times of trading activities with information system and without information system. The study population was the main operations of the most business types common: hardware stores,   warehouses, veterinarians, bakeries, sale of clothes and sale of computers, the total   sample size was 180 taken intentionally, 30 of each type of business, in the data          collection, the capture of times was used in minutes. The investigation demonstrated the optimization of the time of the activities commercial: create order and purchase record, generate product stock report, issue sales receipts generate article movement report     generate report profitability, search for guarantees, generate sales progress report and issuance of electronic vouchers significantly, improving purchasing processes and sales. Therefore, it is undoubtedly demonstrated the importance of the systems of commercial information with electronic invoicing, to provide support and new services in the    administration of current businesses, in this way have the processes automated, simplify tax obligations, get better earnings and increase the percentage of the success rate in the short or long term.


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How to Cite
Tipo-Mamani, N. ., & Gutierrez-Quispe, E. (2021). Development of a commercial information system with electronic invoicing for PYMES in the department of Puno. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(3), 404-422.
Author Biographies

Noe Wilber Tipo-Mamani Tipo Mamani, a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:6:"Lector";}


Bachelor of Systems Engineering from Universidad Peruana Unión with completed master's degree studies in TIC’s management at the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano Puno, database administrator at MINSA, developer of business systems based on distributed computing. 

Eder Gutierrez-Quispe, Universidad Peruana Unión - Perú


Systems engineering professional with more than 10 years of experience in the area of software development for web platforms, providing business solutions, I have worked as a database administrator, analyst, programmer and project manager in the software line. 


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