Determining factors of business failure in the city of Machala, province of El Oro (Ecuador) during the period 2019

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Joseph Guillermo Lozada-Pinta
Cristhian Andree Valarezo-Romero
Virgilio Eduardo Salcedo-Muñoz
Jorge Guido Sotomayor-Pereira


The present article aims to identify the main causes of business failure within the City of Machala, El Oro province, during the period 2019. The research has a descriptive approach, the technique used for data collection was the survey, through the application of a questionnaire of 15 questions addressed to 161 entrepreneurs, who closed their companies, which remained active during the period 2015-2019. The data obtained allowed to know which were the most significant factors that directly influenced the cessation of its operations, resulting in business failure being generated mainly due to the fact that unexpected problems arise within organizations (legal, economic, among others), little help from financial institutions / entities, high level of competition, lack of liquidity and lack of business training. The entrepreneur as the main manager of nascent companies must make intelligent and strategic decisions, for which they must have skills, knowledge, experience and above all adequate training, which allow them to reverse the effects of failure and turn them into a source of opportunity, development and success.


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How to Cite
Lozada, G. ., Valarezo, C. ., Salcedo, V. ., & Sotomayor, . G. . (2020). Determining factors of business failure in the city of Machala, province of El Oro (Ecuador) during the period 2019. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 5(6-1), 206-217.
Author Biographies

Joseph Guillermo Lozada-Pinta, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Born in Machala, El Oro, Ecuador. Graduated from the Economics career with a Mention in Business Management from the Technical University of Machala

Cristhian Andree Valarezo-Romero , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Born in Machala, El Oro, Ecuador. Graduated from the Economics career with a Mention in Business Management from the Technical University of Machala

Virgilio Eduardo Salcedo-Muñoz, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Born in Machala, El Oro, Ecuador. Associate Professor 3 of the Technical University of Machala. Former Provincial Head of the Social Security Institute of the Armed Forces. Agricultural Economist and Engineer in

Accounting and Auditing by the Technical University of Machala. Higher Diploma in Social Security and Pension Systems from the Autonomous University of Mexico. Master in Taxation and Finance by

Guayaquil University. Candidate for a Doctor of Economic Sciences from the University of Zulia. Author, co-author and reviewer of articles and book chapters. Member of the GIDET research group

Jorge Guido Sotomayor-Pereira, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Economist, Higher Diploma in Strategic Marketing Management, Master in Business Administration and Management, Doctor in Economic Analysis and Business Strategy. Professor at the Technical University of Machala, in subjects such as "Consumer Behavior", "Marketing Management", "Macroeconomics" and "Socioeconomic Reality". Author of papers and book chapters in areas such as economics and marketing. Business consultant


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