The Conception of Power Relations in the Crime of Femicide

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Marco Abel Rosero-Paredes
Esthela Paulina Silva-Barrera


Femicide is a serious crime based on gender inequalities rooted in society and that contribute to the perpetuation of violence against women. In Ecuador, as in other countries, power relations play a fundamental role in the context of femicide. The objective of this review is to analyze the conception of power relations in the crime of femicide in Ecuadorian legislation. The methodology used was qualitative in which a bibliographic review was made in the most relevant databases. According to the investigation, the high levels of femicide crimes in Ecuador have led several countries in the region to classify it within their legal bodies. This suggests that, although the criminalization of femicide has contributed to increasing social awareness about murders due to gender violence, there are still challenges regarding a clear classification within the norm, which allows the definition of the crime in terms of power relations, which should also be included within the articles in the COIP (Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code).  


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How to Cite
Rosero-Paredes , M. ., & Silva-Barrera , E. . (2024). The Conception of Power Relations in the Crime of Femicide . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(1), 60-70.
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Author Biographies

Marco Abel Rosero-Paredes , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador  

Student graduated from the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Political Sciences with a degree in Law at the Indoamérica University, Ambato headquarters. 

Esthela Paulina Silva-Barrera , Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts of the Republic of Ecuador, Master in Tax Law, Senior Specialist in Business Law and Master in Business Law, Full-time Professor at the Indo-America Technological University


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