Burnout Syndrome and its Relationship with the Family Environment of the Health Personnel. Santa Ana-24h Health Center, Manabí

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Maria Gabriela Pico-Veliz
Ángel Luis Zamora-Cevallos


This study analyzes the influence of Burnout syndrome on the family environment of the health personnel at the Santa Ana Center, Manabí, given the increasing prevalence of stress and its impact on the lives and health of these professionals. The goal is to deeply understand the impact of this syndrome at both individual and family levels to underpin the development of preventive and therapeutic interventions. In this socio-critical, non-experimental, and cross-sectional descriptive study, Burnout among health workers is examined using theoretical and empirical methods to analyze variables such as age, gender, and family functionality. The study population comprises the complete staff of the center, with a selected sample of 51 individuals. Instruments such as the Maslach Burnout Scale and the APGAR Family Functionality Scale were used, and the data was analyzed with Microsoft Excel and SPSS. The results show that Burnout is a pervasive problem affecting health professionals in multiple facets of their lives, including their physical and emotional well-being, job performance, and family relationships. Significant differences were found in the prevalence and severity of Burnout according to age and gender, suggesting the need for interventions adapted to different demographic groups. The importance of family functionality in managing Burnout is also highlighted. The research concludes that an effective, evidence-based intervention that considers individual, family, and work needs is required to address the problem of Burnout in the health sector.


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How to Cite
Pico-Veliz , M. ., & Zamora-Cevallos , Ángel . (2023). Burnout Syndrome and its Relationship with the Family Environment of the Health Personnel. Santa Ana-24h Health Center, Manabí . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(4), 558-567. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.4.1968
Author Biographies

Maria Gabriela Pico-Veliz , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador



Student of the Master in Public Health with mention in Economics and Social Development/ Postgraduate Institute of the Technical University of Manabí.

General Physician of First Level of Attention (Surgeon).

Ángel Luis Zamora-Cevallos , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador


Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Higher Diploma in Primary Health Care. Magister in Health Management, Specialist in Primary Health Care, Doctor of Medical Sciences (PhD), Researcher at the School of Medicine of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Technical University of Manabi. Professor of the Department of Physiopathology and Clinic II at the School of Medicine of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí. Former Member of the Tutoring Committee and Thesis Direction of the School of Medicine of the Technical University of Manabí, Former Member representing the Professors of the School of Medicine before the Council of the Faculty of Health Sciences - Technical University of Manabí, Graduate professor specializing in Oncology Nursing Graduate Faculty Technical University of Manabí.


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