Competency Development Learning in Civil Engineering: Addressing Complexity and Transversality

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Percy Oscar Gutiérrez-Gómez


Civil engineering is a complex and transversal discipline that covers a wide variety of areas, from planning and design to construction and maintenance of infrastructures and buildings. To develop skills and competencies in this area, it is necessary to address this complexity and transversality effectively. 

The theories of developer learning and the necessary skills for the training of civil engineers in a complex and changing world are reviewed. In addition, pedagogical strategies are discussed that promote learning that develops competencies in civil engineering, such as project-based teaching, active learning, and collaborative work. 

The article addresses the importance of developing skills in civil engineering students to face the complex and transversal challenges of the profession. Key concepts such as complex problem solving, teamwork, and effective communication are discussed, and how these concepts are applied in civil engineering education is explored. 

Academic and professional literature on the subject is reviewed, presenting relevant authors, books, and years in the field. The importance of integrating complexity and transversality in the training of civil engineers is highlighted, and pedagogical approaches and teaching strategies used to promote skills-developing learning are presented. 

The importance of addressing complexity and transversality in the training of civil engineers through skills development learning is highlighted. Key concepts, teaching strategies, and educational tools used are highlighted, as well as the results and challenges of implementing this approach. The ultimate goal is to prepare students to meet the current and future challenges of civil engineering competently and effectively. 


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez-Gómez , P. . (2023). Competency Development Learning in Civil Engineering: Addressing Complexity and Transversality . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(4), 471-498.
Author Biography

Percy Oscar Gutiérrez-Gómez , Escuela Militar de Ingeniería - Bolivia



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