Optimization of Electrical Systems: A Modeling Based on the Reduction of Electrical Consumption

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Mauricio Eduardo Mullo-Pallo
Roberto Asdrúbal Segura-Flores
Jenny Alexandra Nuñez-Villacis


The present research work seeks to determine the current state of the electrical installations of a Higher Technological Institute, the budget reduction in strategic sectors such as education, has made it difficult to maintain the facilities of schools, institutes and universities in optimal conditions, in this context, the Optimizing electrical systems becomes a fundamental part of contributing to the vision of reducing losses. For these reasons, the diagnosis of the electrical system was carried out starting from the 500 [kVA] transformation center and ending in the circuits derived from the secondary distribution boards, identifying that the problem of the institute's electrical system is not in distribution boards, feeders and protections, if not in the lack of planning and growth of environments with improvised and inefficient electrical installations, in addition to the lack of electrical plans made any maintenance provided in electrical installations difficult. Finally, solutions are proposed that help improve the conditions of the electrical system and help to obtain a reduction in consumption with a higher degree of efficiency. 


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How to Cite
Mullo-Pallo, M. ., Segura-Flores, R. ., & Nuñez-Villacis, J. . (2023). Optimization of Electrical Systems: A Modeling Based on the Reduction of Electrical Consumption . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(4), 272-281. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.4.1884
Author Biographies

Mauricio Eduardo Mullo-Pallo, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador


Electrical Engineer (2017); Magister in electricity, mention electrical power
systems from the Technical University of Cotopaxi (2022), experience in low and medium voltage networks, currently a research professor at the Tungurahua Higher Technological Institute in the area of electricity.

Roberto Asdrúbal Segura-Flores, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador


Magister in Automation and Control Systems; Electronics and Communications Engineer from the Universidad Técnica de Ambato;
University teacher; Currently a teacher at the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua; Tungurahua, Ecuador.

Jenny Alexandra Nuñez-Villacis, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tungurahua - Ecuador


Master in Software Engineering from the University of the Armed Forces (ESPE); Systems and Computer Engineer from the Army Polytechnic School (ESPE); Currently a teacher at the Tungurahua Higher Technological Institute; Tungurahua, Ecuador.


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