Education reform and knowledge reconnection

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Virginia Gonfiantini


The educational crisis is a side-effect of the current planetary mega-crisis. In his most recent text, Edgar Morin urges us to change the pathway and re-imagine education today. Changing the pathway entails thinking about educational reforms – epistemic-sociologically and psychologically speaking - than can be conditions of possibility and genuineness, as a paradigmatic rupture in this time of knowledge reconnection. We depart from two provocative thoughts that urge us to reflect:

  • Thinking about education as a dialogue of knowledge aimed to recover the human condition. South Thinking and Spirit of the Valley help us revise and argue for this line of thought.

  • Reflecting on the context of this global-local crisis, not with an apocalyptical view, but as a hopeful path to think about the metamorphosis in this Kairos-complex time which has been neglected in education.

Since educating in times of uncertainties and contemporary changes requires new epistemological foundations, we propose three issues for reflection:

  1. We need to contextualize the modern educational discourse.

  2. We cannot ignore the epistemic ruptures of the twentieth century that give rise to a new era.

  3. Let's look at the global crisis and metamorphosis from the epistemic and pedagogical South. What is the time of social and pedagogical metamorphosis today?

From these three questions, we will be able to understand that the metamorphosis that we are going through in 2021 occurs on a global scale, thus modifying the set of social, political, economic, cultural, organizational relationships, which urges us to seriously rethink ourselves if we are to think about our actions from a chronological time that reproduces the sameness or from a Kairos-complex time that is based on otherness. Without time, thought collapses, since chronological time does not build, but fragments moments in repetition.


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How to Cite
Gonfiantini, V. (2023). Education reform and knowledge reconnection. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3), 552-562.
Author Biography

Virginia Gonfiantini, Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Argentina

Phd. Virginia Gonfiantini 

Post-Doctor in Education, Research and Complexity- EMI- Bolivia 

Dr. Complex Thinking. MMREM- Mexico 

Master in Education with Orientation in Educational Institutions. USAL- Argentina 

Professor. In Educational Sciences. UNR-Argentina 


Research interests: complex epistemology and education, curricular theory and didactics, transdiscipline, Piaget-Morin-Freire. Epistemology of thermodynamic. 


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