Violation of the right to effective judicial protection due to the lack of courts specialized in jurisdictional guarantees in Ecuador

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Leidy Fernanda Mejía-Suárez
Mónica Eloiza Ramon-Merchán


In this scientific article, a study has been carried out on the need to implement specialized courts in constitutional matters in the Ecuadorian State, in order to avoid the violation of the right to effective judicial protection and the principle of specialty enshrined in our legal regulations, due to the fact that jurisdictional guarantees, such as rights protection mechanisms, are activated only before any first instance judge of the place where the act or omission originates or where its effects are produced; Being this of any matter in accordance with the provisions of article 7 of the Organic Law of Jurisdictional Guarantees and Constitutional Control, this study was carried out through the compilation of bibliographic and jurisprudential information with the objective of publicizing the scope and core essential of the right to effective judicial protection and how important is the existence of judges specialized in constitutional matters through the creation of these courts.

Keywords: specialized courts, effective judicial protection, principle of specialty, jurisdictional guarantees, judges


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How to Cite
Mejía-Suárez, L. ., & Ramon-Merchán, M. (2023). Violation of the right to effective judicial protection due to the lack of courts specialized in jurisdictional guarantees in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3), 563-581.
Author Biographies

Leidy Fernanda Mejía-Suárez, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Abg. Leidy Fernanda Mejía Suárez, born on December 10, 1996 in the Machala canton, El Oro Province, completed her primary studies at the Xavier Francisco Trujillo tax school, her secondary studies were completed at the Ismael Pérez Pazmiño Technological Institute, her higher studies She did them at the Technical University of Machala, graduated in 2021, with the title of Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador, being the best graduate of her class. In 2022 she trained as a Mediator, Conciliator and Negotiator at the National Mediation Center / Legal Solutions Center, accredited by the Council of the Judiciary, she also completed a diploma in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. 

Mónica Eloiza Ramon-Merchán, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Dra. Mónica Eloiza Ramon Merchán, Mgs, Doctor of Jurisprudence and Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of the Republic of Ecuador, Magister in Fundamental Rights and Constitutional Justice, Tenured Professor in the Law Course at the Technical University of Machala, studying PhD PhD at the Andrés Bello Private University of Caracas, Venezuela. 


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