Mobile learning: ability of university students as part of the evolution of ICT

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Oscar Luis Mejía-Burgos
María Alejandra Zúñiga-Alvarado
Fernando Rodolfo Orellana-Ingriago
Luis Humberto Barzola-López


The objective of this research was based on analyzing mobile learning as a skill of university students as part of the evolution of ICT, through a quantitative methodology supported by bibliographic and documentary research, the sample consisted of 60 students from the second semester of the career of Authorized Public Accounting. Obtaining as results that the students materializing the principle of "learning to learn" focus on their autonomy and through the use of virtual platforms the student pays due attention to the activities carried out to achieve feedback, likewise, the students when being able to use the internet to support their studies, they try to look for tutorials on the management of these platforms and not stay only with what is explained in their induction courses that the university generally offers, thus allowing them to recognize the platform menus and locate themselves in time and space within it. In conclusion, it is mentioned that higher education students have acquired knowledge and mobile skills over time that have made them direct participants in the evolution of ICTs, achieving relevant aspects in their educational training, in the same way universities during and after COVID-19 they have managed to make great progress in terms of the implementation of platforms that are here to stay, especially in those traditional universities that did not have these resources, since it is necessary to recognize that today's youth manage different teams technologies that they use to support their professional training.


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How to Cite
Mejía-Burgos , O. ., Zúñiga-Alvarado , M. ., Orellana-Ingriago , F. ., & Barzola-López , L. . (2022). Mobile learning: ability of university students as part of the evolution of ICT. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(2-1), 497-505.
Author Biographies

Oscar Luis Mejía-Burgos , Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Magister in Higher Education, university teaching experience, tutor in degree projects, participation in scientific article, tutor for pre-professional practices 

María Alejandra Zúñiga-Alvarado , Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Sede Guayaquil - Ecuador

Magister in Business Administration 

Magister in Educacional Management 

Diploma in Educational Management and Planning 

Fernando Rodolfo Orellana-Ingriago , Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer 

Public accountant 


Higher Diploma in Taxation 

Master in Taxation and Finance 

Specialist in Taxation 

Master of Business Administration 

Luis Humberto Barzola-López , Funcionario del Sector Privado - Ecuador


Public accountant 


Master in Taxation and Finance 

Master of Business Administration 


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