Diseño de un bloque alivianado utilizando poliestireno expandido, PET, vermiculita como agregados

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Víctor Julio Villalta-Góngora
Erika Mabel González-Tobar
Carlos Luis Valero-Fajardo


In recent years, the use of recyclable waste has been gaining ground in the field of construction, since the generated waste can be revalued and reduce the impacts that this waste can cause in the environment, without reducing the quality of the constructions. For this reason, the present research work has the objective of designing a lightened block by adding expanded polystyrene, PET, vermiculite to the mortar mixture to differentiate cost-benefit from the traditional market, applying an experimental methodology with a quantitative approach, since it was developed tests to determine the adequate dosage for lightened blocks, and tests of simple compression, absorption, and bibliographic analysis of shrinkage tests by linear drying, visual aspects and marks and resistance to fire. Four tests were carried out on blocks with different dosages, of which the fourth test was optimal for lightened blocks with a dosage of 20% expanded polystyrene, PET, vermiculite. In addition, modulus of rupture values ​​of 9.57 MPa, 9.53 MPa and 9.48 MPa were obtained, in the maximum time of 28 days, the economic and environmental analysis was carried out in comparison with a traditional block. It is concluded that, based on the results, the dosage of block No. 4 is adequate for the elaboration of the lightened blocks, since the tests show that they are within the requirements of the Ecuadorian Construction Standard.


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How to Cite
Villalta-Góngora , V. ., González-Tobar , E. ., & Valero-Fajardo , C. (2023). Diseño de un bloque alivianado utilizando poliestireno expandido, PET, vermiculita como agregados . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3), 383-394. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2023.3.1708
Author Biographies

Víctor Julio Villalta-Góngora , Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte - Ecuador


He was born in the city of Guayaquil on July 28, 1986. I have worked in the construction sector from 2005 to 2011, starting as a surveyor and construction resident in sanitary sewer system and drinking water projects, in; From 2012 to 2019 I worked in the Municipal GAD of the Naranjal canton as a surveyor and inspection of civil works, I currently work in the Municipal GAD of the La Troncal canton as an Inspection Technician.

Erika Mabel González-Tobar , Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte - Ecuador


She was born in Babahoyo, at the age of 28 she is a Civil Engineer with a master's degree in Civil Engineering with a mention in sustainable civil construction, she worked in the area of ​​sanitary studies and designs for 5 years, and university teaching.

Carlos Luis Valero-Fajardo , Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte - Ecuador


Civil engineer; Master in Architecture mention Territorial Planning and Environmental Management; Magister in Civil Engineering mention Sustainable Civil Construction, National Researcher accredited and categorized by SENESCYT, Ecuador; Research Professor and Research Coordinator at the Faculty of Engineering, Industry and Construction of the VICENTE ROCAFUERTE Lay University of Guayaquil, Independent Trainer qualified by the Undersecretary of Professional Qualifications, of the Ministry of Labor, Ecuador; part of the Scientific Council of Yachana Scientific Magazine, Ecuador; Evaluator of the Scientific Journal Procesos Urbanos, Colombia; and Private Consultant in Construction activities.


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