The resource of revocation for interlocutory orders related to the principle of speed in the COGEP

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Amparo del Pilar Tapia-Reinoso
María Belén Cadena-Ramírez


This article presents an analysis of the scene of the victims of psychological violence during the obtaining of evidence in the different stages of the criminal process, situations in which they are re-victimized on many occasions by the unprofessional actions of the justice operators themselves, and the incidence of these circumstances in the result of the process. I have used the bibliographic method, taking into account that the research it essentially based on the search for information collected in books, scientific journals, both printed and electronic, essential elements to be able to form a theoretical framework with relevant information about the subject in question. Corroborating that as part of daily life, mismanagement carried out sometimes at the time of obtaining evidence in cases of victims of psychological violence, resulting in damage to the victim that places her in a situation of double victimization as a part of the process, influencing the result of the same.          


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How to Cite
Tapia-Reinoso, A., & Cadena-Ramírez, M. . (2023). The resource of revocation for interlocutory orders related to the principle of speed in the COGEP. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(2-1), 195-207.
Author Biographies

Amparo del Pilar Tapia-Reinoso, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador

Degree in Political and Social Sciences.  


She is a Doctor of Jurisprudence and a lawyer in the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador.  


She was a lawyer in free professional practice for two years.  


Secretary of the Eleventh Court for Children and Adolescents.  


Secretary of the Specialized Judicial Unit for the Family, Women, Children and Adolescents.  


Judge of the Multicompetent Civil Judicial Unit of the Quininde cantons

María Belén Cadena-Ramírez, Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador

Lawyer from the Central University of Ecuador 

Specialist in Procedural Law from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar 

Master in Procedural Law from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar 

Specialist in Constitutional Law from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar 

Lawyer in free exercise of the profession, specialized in Constitutional Law. 

University teacher. 


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