Analysis of the implementation of the purple code in the complaints submitted to the pichincha prosecutor's office, gender unit 3 during confinement due to covid-19

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Carmen Alicia Cayo-Ushco
Luis Alberto Fernández-Piedra


This article consists of analyzing the implementation of the "Purple Code" in the complaints submitted to the Pichincha Prosecutor's Office, Gender Unit 3, located at Av. Amazonas and Ramón Roca during the confinement by COVID-19. Being the year 2020 the most hostile scenario of violence against women and members of the family nucleus due to confinement as a result of the pandemic. This protocol is activated in Educational and Health Centers, in order to investigate crimes of psychological, physical and sexual violence. The main objective is to establish whether the implementation of the purple code is sufficient to eradicate violence against women or members of the family nucleus; and identify the main factors for which the complaints do not reach the courts. The methodology used is mixed, considering that it is necessary to investigate quantitative-qualitative data through the complaints filed in gender unit 3, by activating the "Purple Code" protocol and through the survey research technique. practiced, conclusions are reached on the topic addressed.


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How to Cite
Cayo-Ushco, C. ., & Fernández-Piedra, L. . (2023). Analysis of the implementation of the purple code in the complaints submitted to the pichincha prosecutor’s office, gender unit 3 during confinement due to covid-19. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3), 72-85.
Author Biographies

Carmen Alicia Cayo-Ushco, Foro de Abogados del Consejo de la Judicatura - Ecuador

Lawyer of the Courts and Courts of the Republic of Ecuador. 


Freelance lawyer (XII-2018) 


Prosecutor's Assistant at the Pichincha Provincial Prosecutor's Office. Law Unit. (1-VI 2019- 31-VIII-2020) 


Prosecutor's Assistant at the Pichincha Provincial Prosecutor's Office. Gender Unit. (I-IX-2020- hasta la actualidad 7-XII-2022) 

Luis Alberto Fernández-Piedra, Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador


Graduate in Social, Political and Economic Sciences. UNL. (11-XII-1984). 


Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador. UNL. (9-XII-1987). 


Doctor of Jurisprudence. UNL. (6-XI-1987). 


Senior Specialist in Procedural Law. UASB (10-I-2002). 


Higher Diploma in Constitutional Law. UASB (12-XII-2002). 


Magister in Law, Mention Constitutional Law. UASB (2-VIII-2004). 


Senior Specialist in Administrative Law. UASB (14-III-2005). 


PhD Candidate in Law, PHD, UASB (YEAR 2005 - 2008). 


Magister in Criminal Law, Procedural Law Mention. UCE (9-V-2015). 


Published Works: 


1.- “The Accusatory System and Respect for Human Rights”, June 2003. 


2.- “Detention and Preventive Prison in Ecuador”, November 2004. 


3.- "My First Poems and My First Songs", February 2005. 


4.- "Necessary Reforms to the Current Criminal Procedure Code", May 2006. 


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