Contributions of open government for transparency in bidding processes in public procurement

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Jorge Luis Pérez-Vélez
Marisol Isabel Bermeo-Valencia


The purpose of the research was to interpret on the contributions of an open government for the transparent management of the bidding process in public procurement; the design of the research is given from a qualitative approach and inductive method, with a level of descriptive depth; in addition to documentary, field and non-experimental type; on the other hand,  a categorization process was developed based on a hermeneutic process, initially starting from  an analysis strategy that was based on the phases proposed by the Grounded Theory, this in order to give interpretative form to the discourse expressed by the interviewees -academic experts and researchers- through a semi-structured interview, applied in depth mode. Among the findings found are descriptors that give way to a proposal of good managerial praxis, which these descriptors are the product of categorization which are part of the interpretation given by the researchers. Among the main reflections are the need to promote an intelligent tendering process, to have a professional human team of quality and well paid, and with formal policies of visible information. 


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How to Cite
Pérez-Vélez, J. ., & Bermeo-Valencia, M. . (2022). Contributions of open government for transparency in bidding processes in public procurement. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-2), 183-198.
Author Biographies

Jorge Luis Pérez-Vélez , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Jorge Luis Pérez Vélez was born in Ecuador, in the city of Portoviejo. He has a third-level degree as a civil engineer from the Republic of Ecuador, a former public official at the Cantonal GADs level. He currently works as a freelance professional. This experience motivated the author to carry out this research to provide experience within decentralized public administration from a participatory, ethical and transparent position for intelligent institutional governance. 

Marisol Isabel Bermeo-Valencia , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Master of Business Administration, at Braniff School of Business, University of Dallas, Irving, Texas, U.S., Commercial Engineer with a major in Administration, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Ms. Bermeo is currently pursuing a Doctorate Program in Education (PhD) at Universidad Nacional del Rosario, Argentina. Author and co-author of books and indexed articles. More than 20 years oriented to develop social impact projects, occupying executive positions, managing institutional audit processes, in public institutions, private national and international organizations. Professor in several Chairs: Leadership and negotiation, Strategic Planning, Administration of Processes, Design and Organizational Change, Public Ethics and Transparency, among others. 


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