Use of technological tools in education: Review study.

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Elmer Alivan Marín-Campos


The objective of this research is to identify and collect scientific articles in relation to the use of technological tools (HT) in education in the last 3 years, as a result of Covid-19, consulting the Scopus, Redalyc and Scielo databases; For this purpose, the quantitative approach was used as a methodology, with a descriptive design, using the article registration form as an instrument, in addition to the techniques of systematic review, documentary analysis, critical reading and paraphrasing. The population consisted of 90 original scientific articles of pedagogical and theoretical experience. Having a final sample of 40 articles related to the use of technological tools. The following results were obtained, when using HT in the teaching-learning process, it allows interaction between teacher and student in a collaborative, dynamic and innovative way, strengthening their digital skills in teachers as well as in students. In addition, it allows adaptation to new ways of teaching and learning using technology as a form of pedagogical updating, breaking away from traditional practice. It is concluded that, according to revised sources, a set of technological tools has been applied in teaching - learning at different educational levels. Therefore, it is suggested to continue training teachers in order to continue strengthening their digital, pedagogical skills; to teach and learn according to the context. Being the innovative teacher, the student protagonist and the mediating technology of learning and at the same time reduce the digital divide. 


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How to Cite
Marín-Campos, E. . (2023). Use of technological tools in education: Review study. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(1), 39-51.
Author Biography

Elmer Alivan Marín-Campos, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú

I am a teacher of Secondary Education Specializing in Communication, graduated from the National University of Cajamarca; with 15 years of academic experience at the primary, secondary EBR and EBA levels; as well as university teacher, pre-university, trainer, researcher; also as Pedagogical Companion at the UGEL San Marcos- Cajamarca. I am empathetic, dynamic, persevering, proactive, with a vocation for service, domain in certain pedagogical techniques; ready to learn and develop professionally and personally, with the availability to work as a team, which has allowed me to contribute to Peruvian education. 


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