Estrategias de gestión educativa para estimular el aprendizaje del idioma inglés en los estudiantes de la institución “Gloria Gorelik”

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Tatiana Lisbeth Soledispa-Morán
Jessica Karina Saona-Villamar


By the moment, nowadays we are at an environment where the English Language it is so essential in all the fields, due to the fact, the professional life and educational students are really more demanding.  Thus, exist the necessity at all educational students that they must be stimulated and aware about the importance of learning and dominate the English language as a foreign as is being a worldwide language.  It will permit a better ability development and competences facilitating the communication with various locals and international agents. Reason why the first proposal of this investigation is to design strategies about educational management to stimulate the learning English language to the students. This investigation is a quantitative approach research, where the hypothetical-deductive method was used, which allowed to raise real data, provided done to the students. Also, we applied empirical methodologies such as observation, surveys and questionnaires were applied, managing to develop the work in a systematic way through the collection, analysis and interpretation of the data, the target population to work with is: 111 high school students from the Educational Institution "Gloria Gorelik", with a target of 100 students. We must be conscious about the changes that we can conceive to the students when the right strategies are done adequately at the educational training.  Therefore, educational management strategies were designed to stimulate the learning process from the English language to the students, to conclude it is important that the students require the strategies opportunely to contribute at the stimulation and acquire linguistic competences.


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How to Cite
Soledispa-Morán, T. ., & Saona-Villamar, J. . (2023). Estrategias de gestión educativa para estimular el aprendizaje del idioma inglés en los estudiantes de la institución “Gloria Gorelik”. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(1), 52-69.
Author Biographies

Tatiana Lisbeth Soledispa-Morán, Universidad de Especialidades Espiritu Santo - Ecuador

Degree in Educational Sciences, with more than 10 years of experience in teaching Basic General Education, Magister in Educational Management, with aspirations to obtain a doctorate in Education. Currently, I am developing scientific research on learning strategies for children with autism spectrum disorder.

Jessica Karina Saona-Villamar , Universidad de Especialidades Espiritu Santo - Ecuador

I´ve studied all my Initial, Elementary, Middle and Higher education at the Colegio Americano de Guayaquil, finishing second and third grade at the Gloria Gorelik High School. I have carried out various studies in Ecuador as well as abroad in the United states like in Los Angeles California, T&T Computing Center, Learn to Think from the first level to the last corresponding to the 4th level, Ivanhoe School, American Language School, and the Superior Hemphill School. I have had various experiences in teaching working for the American Language School, Gloria Gorelik School, Spirit School of Languages, Universal Business Center, Organizational Business Multinational, United Nations Educational School (CENU) and Loreto Educational Unit exercising the following functions as Academic Coordinator, Degree Tutor , English teacher. I have been carrying out the aforementioned activities for 32 years in my professional career. Also, considering my work to the remarkable contribution in education and patriotically to the progress of my country, I was granted a great historical and unrepeatable recognition as Bicentennial Teacher in 2020. Currently, I am working in the Gloria Gorelik Educational Unit as Coordinator from the English Department as well as a teacher of the same subject 


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