Influence of internal marketing on employee satisfaction and productivity in the retail sector

Main Article Content

Ginger Mishel Chuchuca-Sanchez
Jessica Tatiana Morocho-Palomino
María Fernanda Villavicencio-Rodas
Irene María Feijoo-Jaramillo


Internal marketing is a set of techniques and strategies that have been
adopted in recent years by companies to improve the relationship with their internal
customers; thus, keeping employees satisfies in their jobs increases their
productivity and commitment to the company. The purpose of this study is to analyze
whether internal marketing activities have a significant influence on job satisfaction
and this in turn influences the productivity and commitment of employees of
companies in the retail sector; in this case a quantitative study was used, which
made it possible to perceive the relationship that exists between the variables
mentioned. The data were collected through a survey applied to a convenience
sample of 280 employees of companies in the retail sector in the city of Machala.
The results show that the internal marketing variable is positively and significantly
related to employee satisfaction, and this in turn, has a significant relationship with
organizational commitment and productivity. The findings are very useful for
marketing professionals and managers in the retail sector who are seeking to
improve the performance, productivity and commitment of their employees, in order
to provide quality services to consumers.


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How to Cite
Chuchuca-Sanchez, G. ., Morocho-Palomino, J. ., Villavicencio-Rodas , M. ., & Feijoo-Jaramillo, I. . (2022). Influence of internal marketing on employee satisfaction and productivity in the retail sector. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-3), 44-56.
Author Biographies

Ginger Mishel Chuchuca-Sanchez , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Student - Universidad Técnica de Machala of the Marketing career belonging to the faculty of business sciences. Technical Bachelor - Organization and management of the secretary. Place of residence Machala-Ecuador. 

Jessica Tatiana Morocho-Palomino, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Student - Universidad Técnica de Machala of the Marketing career belonging to the faculty of business sciences. Technical bachelor - computer application services. Place of residence Machala-Ecuador. 

María Fernanda Villavicencio-Rodas , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Research professor at the Universidad 

Técnica de Machala, Engineer in 

Marketing and Negotiation, Master in 

Business Management, PhD Candidate in 

Marketing at the University of Valencia 

Spain, Marketing Consultant, Qualified 

Trainer (SECAP). Six years of university 

Teaching, experience in Marketing, 

Marketing Management, International 

Marketing, Product Development, 

Leadership and Negotiation. Teacher 

Member of the COMARK Research 

Group. Place of residence Machala 


Irene María Feijoo-Jaramillo , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer, Specialist in Leadership and Management, Superior Diploma in Project Design and Master in Management of Educational and Social Projects.      Professor of the Faculty of Business Sciences of the Technical University of Machala, author of texts on Entrepreneurship, Research and topics related to Marketing. Place of residence Machala-Ecuador 


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