Strategic direction for the strengthening of SMEs in thesouthernarea of ​​Manabí

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Martha Lorena Figueroa-Soledispa
María Raquel Moreno-Ponce
José Jorge Tualombo-Tituaña


The present research study was developed with the purpose of studying the strategic direction for the strengthening of SMEs in the southern area of ​​the province of Manabí. Therefore, a scientific article is carried out framed in a quantitative approach methodology of a descriptive and non-experimental nature, applying as data collection instruments the documentary review and the survey, which was directed to the entrepreneurs of the small and medium-sized companies in the southern area of ​​Manabí in order to achieve the aforementioned objective. Among the results, it is highlighted that it is important for businessmen to know that through strategic management the objectives set by the company can be achieved efficiently. By virtue of the fact that the economic resources and the human effort that is applied are only those necessary. In this sense, the businessmen of the southern zone of the province of Manabí, express that knowing and executing the elements of business management is transcendental, that is why they apply strategies such as the prior planning of the actions or decisions that are taken, in favor of achieving the objectives of the organization, which is one of the characteristics that defines the strategic direction and promotes a strengthening for the company.


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How to Cite
Figueroa-Soledispa, M., Moreno-Ponce, M., & Tualombo-Tituaña, J. (2022). Strategic direction for the strengthening of SMEs in thesouthernarea of ​​Manabí. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6), 5-14.
Author Biographies

Martha Lorena Figueroa-Soledispa, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí - Ecuador

Magister in Teaching mention Management in Curriculum Development; Master in Business Administration; Diploma in Self-Assessment and University Accreditation; Commercial Engineer; Public accountant. 

María Raquel Moreno-Ponce, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí - Ecuador

Economist with a Financial mention graduated from the Catholic University of Santiago of Guayaquil, Master in Business Administration graduated from the Technical University of Manabí, Professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the State University of the South of Manabí in the chairs of Fundamentals of Economics, Market Research and Environmental Economics. Publication of a scientific article called "The managerial competencies of the managerial staff of Catholic University of Santiago of Guayaquil and its impact on the organizational culture." 

José Jorge Tualombo-Tituaña, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer with specialization in Foreign Trade, Accounting and Auditing Engineer, Master in Business Administration, Planning Analyst at the Ministry of Environment of Ecuador, Teacher of the Faculty of Economics at the University State of South of Manabí, publication of a scientific article entitled "Corporate Social Responsibility in urban transport cooperatives in Portoviejo, Province of Manabí, Ecuador", Subjects assigned: Finance, Management Auditing and Statistics applied to tourism. 


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