Teaching-learning strategies in higher education: analysis from the student's perception, professional school of education, National University of San Antonio de Abad del Cusco - Espinar Branch 2019

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Francisca Lavilla-Abarca
Fredy Toribio Chalco-Vargas
Jhon Dalton Apaza-Apaza


The development of this research aimed to investigate the perception of students about teaching-learning strategies in the Professional School of Education of the National University San Antonio Abad del Cusco - subsidiary Espinar 2019, for which the hypothetical method was used. deductive, a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental descriptive cross-sectional design, for which a simple random probabilistic sampling of 89 students enrolled for the period 2019 - II in the professional school of education of the indicated higher house was used. For the processing and tabulation of the collected data, statistical tools were used through the program known as SPSS v.24. Finally, the development of the research concluded that it has been possible to investigate the perception that the students of the Professional School of Education have regarding the teaching-learning strategies that are applied by the teachers and by them in the development of the sessions in order to train them as teachers of which it is necessary that in both aspects important deficiencies are shown as indicated by the students who participated in the questionnaire, which would have incidences in their training process as teachers.


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How to Cite
Lavilla-Abarca, F., Chalco-Vargas, F., & Apaza-Apaza, J. (2022). Teaching-learning strategies in higher education: analysis from the student’s perception, professional school of education, National University of San Antonio de Abad del Cusco - Espinar Branch 2019. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-2), 283-292. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.4-2.1332
Author Biographies

Francisca Lavilla-Abarca, Universidad San Antonio Abad del Cusco - Perú


Full auxiliar professor tenured in the Department of Education and Social Communications at the Public National University of San Antonio Abad del Cusco. More than twenty years of experience as a professor along with multiple master degrees and doctorates of philosophy (Ph.Ds).

College instruction and upper management masters in the department of education, Perú.

Teaching in higher education and research masters, Perú.

Fredy Toribio Chalco-Vargas, Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez - Perú


Doctor of Education, Professor at the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of the Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez, Peru

Jhon Dalton Apaza-Apaza, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano - Perú


Certified Public Accountant graduated from the Faculty of Accounting and Administrative Sciences of the National University of the Altiplano, Peru, Master in Administration and Finance from the National University of San Agustín, with extensive experience in research, writing scientific articles and academic research production, working as an active member of the Peruvian Institute of Intellectual Production.


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