Analysis of the management of the agrotourism offer in the "Cumandá" farm, in the Milagro canton, Ecuador

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Diana Carolina Abarca-Aguirre
Jorge Oswaldo Parreño-García


The objective of the research was to analyze the management of the agrotourism offer in the "Cumandá" farm, in the Milagro canton. The focus of the research was non-experimental qualitative, having the tourist demand of said establishment as the population involved in the study. From a bibliographic review, a history of the tourist development of the Milagro canton was determined, as well as its general characteristics and the structure of the cantonal tourist system. On the other hand, with the data obtained from the review of the technical file of the Cumandá agrotourism farm, the characteristics of the establishment and the services it offers were synthesized. Subsequently, the problems that affect the tourism management of the Milagro canton were determined by applying a matrix of stakeholders to know the perceived problems and the possible projects that would contribute to addressing the solution. Likewise, with all the data collected previously, a SWOT analysis was carried out that allowed establishing the strategies with which an action plan was proposed. Finally, the research demonstrated the agrotourism potential of the Milagro canton and the shortcomings it has in terms of public and private management, resulting in the structuring of an action plan based on three strategies that contribute to improving the agrotourism management of the farm. Cumanda.

Keywords: Agrotourism, tourism development, rural tourism, agrotourism management.








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How to Cite
Abarca-Aguirre, D., & Parreño-García, J. (2022). Analysis of the management of the agrotourism offer in the "Cumandá" farm, in the Milagro canton, Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-2), 421-434.
Author Biographies

Diana Carolina Abarca-Aguirre, Pontificia Univesidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Originally from Milagro Guayas (Ecuador), professional in tourism with undergraduate studies, and with more than 5 years of experience in the workplace. I currently work as the General Coordinator of Tourism Management in the Municipal Autonomous Decentralized Government of the Canton of San Francisco de Milagro.

Jorge Oswaldo Parreño-García, Pontificia Univesidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Bachelor of Tourism with mention in ecological tourism, Master in planning and management of agrotourism and ecological projects. Currently coordinator of the career and master's degree in tourism of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador Sede Manabi. In addition, Coordinator of undergraduate training (E) at the aforementioned university. Member of the investigation committee of the PUCE Sede Manabí, from 2017 to 2019.


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