Indicators for the evaluation of the evolution of enrollment in higher education institutions

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Maria Soledad Perfumo
María Virginia Ares


The evaluation of enrollment development in higher education institutions is a topic of interest for the construction of management tools to control this type of entities. In view of it, this paper proposes a methodology and a system of indicators to facilitate the study of enrollment in higher education institutions from a quantitative, descriptive and longitudinal perspective. The aim is to make a theoretical and methodological contribution to the area, through the implementation of a proposal to analyze the evolution of enrollment.


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How to Cite
Perfumo, M. ., & Ares, M. (2023). Indicators for the evaluation of the evolution of enrollment in higher education institutions . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(1), 24-38.
Author Biographies

Maria Soledad Perfumo, Universidad Católica de Córdoba - Argentina

Public Accountant and Master in Auditing. She hold the office of the Vice Chancellor of Economics at the Catholic University of Córdoba. Professor of Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses, Director of research. Director and member of the examination jury for master's thesis. She was Director of the post-graduate program Specialization in Cost Management. Author of various scientific dissemination articles. Consultant and advisor to companies and non-profit organizations. Evaluator and consultant for CONEAU (Argentina).

María Virginia Ares, Universidad Católica de Córdoba - Argentina

At the Catholic University of Cordoba she works as a teacher of Undergraduate degrees. Research Proyect Member. Author of various articles for scientific dissemination. Consultant and advisor to companies and non-profit organizations.



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