Didactic strategy for the development of written communication in the learning process of leveling students.

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Maritza Elizabeth Vélez-Vélez
Geilert De la Peña-Consuegra
Grey Zita Gean Zambrano-Intriago


The study carried out implies the development of written communication as a fundamental competence to achieve the learning of the contents of the various fields of knowledge. From this perspective, it is important to know that it is required to contribute to this development specifically in the general learning process of the leveling student for his entrance to Higher Education. For this, the main objective of the research was expressed: to develop a didactic strategy to favor the development of written communication in the learning process of the leveling students of the Basic Education career at the Technical University of Mana-bí. For its achievement and completion, research methods such as the theoretical ones were used: historical - logical, analytical - synthetic, inductive - deductive, transition from the abstract to the concrete, System approach. Empirical: documentary study, scientific observation, survey, expert criteria and triangulation. In relation to the statistics, the descriptive type analysis. This guaranteed the main results on the systematization of the various conceptions and criteria related to written communication, as well as the set of and actions, which favor the treatment and attention to the students of the leveling course for the entrance to the career of Basic Education at the UTM. In this way, greater preparation is achieved in their performance when writing and communicating adequately from writing with other people, or in the results of their university studies.


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How to Cite
Vélez Vélez, M., Peña-Consuegra, G. ., & Zambrano-Intriago, G. (2022). Didactic strategy for the development of written communication in the learning process of leveling students. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(1-1), 375-392. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.1-1.1015
Author Biographies

Maritza Elizabeth Vélez-Vélez , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador



Graduated in Executive Secretariat. Master of Research in Education, Educational Communication Mention. Official of the Technical University of Manabí

Geilert De la Peña-Consuegra, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador



Bachelor of Education, specializing in Biology. PhD in Pedagogical Sciences. Research professor and collaborator at the Technical University of Manabí.

Grey Zita Gean Zambrano-Intriago, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador



Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Head Professor. Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences. Technical University of Manabi. 


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