El Institutional leadership and its impact on the work environment for the formation of interdisciplinarity at Vicente Rocafuerte School.

Main Article Content

Angel Jesús Ferrin-Plaza
Angelica Isabel Villacis-Zambrano



The purpose of this research article is to present a study and analysis on the incidence of institutional leadership that occurs in the work environment of the Vicente Rocafuerte Educational Unit, focused on the training of interdisciplinarity among teachers who work in the aforementioned educational institution, located in the city of Guayaquil.

      This academic article is a theoretical review, that is, it is based on the search for information from reliable sources, such as journal articles, books, databases, among others, applying methodologies suggested by academic experts in the field of science. scientific research in accordance with the study variables.

To carry out this research, the analytical method will be used, by collecting information as a theoretical basis on educational management, leadership in organizational culture; Likewise, to carry out the analysis of the problem, we will work with the hypothetical-deductive method, using the inductive process through observation and deductive through the generation of hypotheses and their possible results.

Finally, in order to achieve the objectives of the research and solve the problem through the proposal, a leadership model framed in good social practices is identified, and its behavior will be analyzed and studied from a direct observation approach, since it will understand complex and symbolic realities, to obtain results that resemble the reality of the work environment in the unit of study.


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How to Cite
Ferrin-Plaza, A., & Villacis-Zambrano, A. (2022). El Institutional leadership and its impact on the work environment for the formation of interdisciplinarity at Vicente Rocafuerte School. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(1-1), 244-257. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.1-1.1002
Author Biographies

Angel Jesús Ferrin-Plaza, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


Degree in Education Sciences Specialty Educational Administration. Teacher with 13 years of experience in tax education. Student of the master's degree in Educational Management at UEES.

Angelica Isabel Villacis-Zambrano, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


I have a Bachelor's degree in Education Sciences, mention in Basic Education, with 15 years of teaching experience, and I am currently finishing my studies for a Master's degree in Educational Management at UEES.

I constantly like to update my knowledge about new methodological strategies that help teachers and students to improve the teaching-learning process.


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