El Impact of the production and marketing of cacao semi-processed – Province of El Oro

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Milena Naguas Parra
Maria Cabrera-Marquéz
José Ollague-Valarezo
Wilton Romero-Black


The purpose of this research work is to determine the impact on the production and commercialization of cocoa semi-finished products on the socioeconomic development of the province of El Oro; For which, the descriptive method is applied with which it is possible to expose the current situation of the sector, in addition it is possible to give answers of real data, through a survey applied to 300 producers at the provincial level in which it was determined that, the Ignorance and lack of support by the authorities leave as a result an important group of producers who choose to sell cocoa beans, and very few who take advantage of their cocoa crops to make products derived from this fruit. In addition, it was possible to identify a categorization table according to the level of complexity (<a> complexity) of the semi-finished products that are made within the province of El Oro by small groups of entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite
Naguas-Parra, M., Cabrera-Marquéz, M., Ollague-Valarezo, J., & Romero-Black, W. (2021). El Impact of the production and marketing of cacao semi-processed – Province of El Oro. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(3), 465-475. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2021.3.609
Author Biographies

Milena Naguas Parra, a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:31:"Universidad Técnica de Machala";}


Graduated from the Technical University of Machala in Commercial Engineering - Business Administrator Mention and participant in the GR14 research group in the management practices of medium-sized companies Ecuador and Peru. 

Maria Cabrera-Marquéz, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Graduated from the Technical University of Machala in Commercial Engineering - Business Administrator Mention and participant in the GR14 research group in the management practices of medium-sized companies Ecuador and Peru. 

José Ollague-Valarezo, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Professor at the Technical University of Machala. 

Doctor (PhD) in Administrative Sciences, Master in International Business, Diploma in Financial Management, Higher Diploma in University Teaching, Higher Diploma in International Economics, Higher Diploma in Ecuadorian and World Economics, Higher Diploma in International Business Management, Diploma in Development Territorial, Diploma of Specialization in Economics, Diploma of Specialization in Public Relations, Commercial Engineer, Graduate in Business Administration. Public accountant. 


Work experience: 

Banco Continental, Central Bank of Ecuador, Manager of the National Financial Corporation Machala Branch, H. National Congress of Ecuador as Advisor; Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Foreign Service as Diplomatic Consul in Sullana, Peru; Consul in Piura, Peru; Consul General in El Salvador and Belize; Universidad San Antonio de Machala as Professor and Director of Postgraduate Programs, Continuing Education and National and International Relations; Metropolitan University in Machala. Technical University of Machala. 

Participation in research projects and various publications made 

Wilton Romero-Black, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Industrial Engineer, Research professor at UTMACH, professor of the Quality Management, Production Administration and Environmental Management chairs; PhD candidate in Environmental Science and Technology in Coruña-Spain, Project Manager for Relations with society, Industrial Technical Advisor with 5 years of experience in the industrial sector and 12 years in education and more than 10 investigations in the area of ​​knowledge. 


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