Impact of social media on customer service

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Adriana del Carmen Soto-Toromoreno
César Augusto Lara-Ascuntar


In an era of great technological advances, organizations face challenges such as the incessant increase of competitors and customer contact with information that makes the m more demanding. Excellence in customer service is the differentiating factor in an organization, since in addition to satisfying customers, it builds customer loyalty

Technology has allowed companies to communicate with their customers digitally using tools such as social networks, which have grown especially since the global health crisis. Micro enterprises and SMEs in the Cuenca market turn to digital marketing agencies to manage this communication, which impacts customer service. This research has an exploratory and descriptive approach, using semi-structured interviews applied to digital marketing experts and owners of micro and SMEs. The ISO 9001:2015 standard in its numeral 8.2.1 is the reference for evaluating customer service in the aspect of communication. 


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How to Cite
Soto-Toromoreno , A., & Lara-Ascuntar, C. . (2024). Impact of social media on customer service. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 746-756.
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Author Biographies

Adriana del Carmen Soto-Toromoreno , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Adriana del Carmen Soto Toromoreno graduated in the third level as an engineer in Marketing and Commerce at the Universidad Tecnológica América.  

Certified in Family Guidance by INTEPAL and Salesian Polytechnic University. Fourth-level degree in Marketing, with a focus on Digital Marketing. 

Experience in Network marketing and family accompaniment.

César Augusto Lara-Ascuntar, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Professor at PUCE and UTPL; Business and educational consultant in higher education; Master's in Business Management, MBA; Master's in Education, and Master's in Administration and Marketing; Business Engineer, Speaker, and organizer of national and international scientific events. 


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