Análisis del impacto en la implementación de modelos de marketing digital en el emprendimiento de postres “Sugar Tasty” en el cantón Valencia

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Taily Dayanara Moreno-Chapiliquin
María Fernanda Barba-Garrido


This work analyzes the implementation of digital marketing funnel models in the "Sugar Tasty" pastry entrepreneurship in Valencia, Ecuador. The objective is to determine the most suitable model to boost sales through effective digital strategies. The AIDA and TOFU-MOFU-BOFU models were evaluated through a non-experimental quantitative research, with a cross-sectional approach. A questionnaire was conducted with 10 customers.. The results revealed that Instagram and Facebook are the preferred social networks for searching for pastries, with high confidence in influencers and testimonials. Customers want to receive promotions, free samples, and provide data for more information. It is concluded that the AIDA model is the most convenient, as it adapts to the identified preferences and allows an effective connection through social media strategies, collaborations with influencers, and highlighting testimonials to capture attention, generate interest, awaken desire, and facilitate purchase. It is recommended to implement the AIDA funnel, focused on Instagram and Facebook, leveraging influencers and satisfied customers.


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How to Cite
Moreno-Chapiliquin, T., & Barba-Garrido, M. . (2024). Análisis del impacto en la implementación de modelos de marketing digital en el emprendimiento de postres “Sugar Tasty” en el cantón Valencia. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 631-640.
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Author Biographies

Taily Dayanara Moreno-Chapiliquin, Universidad Católica del Ecuador / Universidad Central del Ecuador - Ecuador

Taily Dayanara Moreno Chapiliquin was born in the city of Quevedo, Los Ríos Province, Ecuador. 

She completed her third level studies in the same city where she finally obtained the title of Bachelor of Marketing, currently completing her fourth level degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador in the same line of marketing. Thus developing learning as an entrepreneur and projecting her ideas for microenterprise brands, which she had already managed.  

María Fernanda Barba-Garrido, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Professor and Tutor of Degree Projects at PUCEM, PhD Candidate in Communication and Cultural Industries at UPV, Master in Strategic Communication with a mention in Digital Communication at UTPL, Master in Marketing Management at UCSG, Economist with mention in business management at ESPOL, Speaker. 


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