Management model based on processes and its contribution to institutional governance in public companies. Study unit: Manabí produce EP

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Bagner Arcadio Mendoza-Campaña


The objective of the research is to contextualize the contribution of the process-based management model from the strategy of institutional governance in public companies; Its specific objectives are: 1.- Identify the postulates that guide institutional governance in the context of public management; 2.- Describe the characteristics of public companies in Ecuador. The study unit is the public company Manabí Produce E.P., located in the Montecristi canton of the Province of Manabí (Ecuador); The research design has a mixed approach, in which direct observation, in-depth interview and survey were used as information collection instruments; The population is represented in the workers of the public company itself, these instruments being applied through the so-called intentional sampling, with the leaders (interviews) and those responsible for processes (survey) of the PE participating. Among the conclusions, the importance of any process-based management model is highlighted so that the institutional governance strategy can provide visible results that generate public value.


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How to Cite
Mendoza-Campaña , B. (2024). Management model based on processes and its contribution to institutional governance in public companies. Study unit: Manabí produce EP. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 1016-1030.
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Author Biography

Bagner Arcadio Mendoza-Campaña , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador


was born on January 6, 1979 in the Santa Ana canton of the province of Manabí, my primary studies were completed at the Abdón Calderón Muñoz School in Sitio Palo Largo, my secondary studies were completed in the basic cycle at the Mariscal de Ayacucho school in 

I was born on January 6, 1979 in the Santa Ana canton of the province of Manabí, my primary studies were completed at the Abdón Calderón Muñoz School in Sitio Palo Largo, my secondary studies were completed in the basic cycle at the Mariscal de Ayacucho school in 

I was born on January 6, 1979 in the Santa Ana canton of the province of Manabí, I completed my primary studies at the Abdón Calderón Muñoz School in Sitio Palo Largo, my secondary studies were completed in the basic cycle at the Mariscal de Ayacucho school in 

the same parish and the diversified one at the Paulo Emilio Macías Sabando Higher Technical Institute of the City of Portoviejo, Civil Engineer from the Technical University of Manabí, with 18 years in the public sector holding the positions of promoter of the Ayacucho local development plan , construction resident, community promoter for the Santa Ana canton, construction supervision, contractor / municipality of Manta, infrastructure technician, project technician, construction administrator, technical coordinator, project coordinator / Development Agency of the province of Manabí ; project manager, marketing analyst, project execution and monitoring analyst 3, administrative director and human talent, / public company Manabí produces, now a master's student in Public Administration, at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Manabí headquarters. 


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