Environmental culture for local development in the Machala canton

Main Article Content

Maribel del Rocío Sinche-Rodríguez
Gina Patricia Cuadrado-Sánchez
Yonimiler Castillo-Ortega


The present research carries out an analysis of the environmental culture and local development in the Machala-Ecuador canton. To meet this objective, a non-experimental type of research was applied since it is based purely on the observation of a phenomenon that is in development to determine its variables without the researcher being directly involved or influencing them. The instrument used consisted of a survey that was applied to a sample of 384 people from the population of Machala. Among the results found, it is mentioned that the indicators of austerity showed low average percentages in terms of management and classification of solid waste that cause environmental pollution, while in the indicator of co-responsibility, it is denoted that Machaleños lack a sense of responsibility with the environment and the current environmental problems. It is concluded that the care in the management of the waste produced, waste classification and previous knowledge for the classification are a central axis in the daily life of the Machala canton, therefore, it can be assumed that this population has a culture of care for the environment, however, it is perceived that the governmental institutions have not implemented an action plan to support this attitude towards the preservation of the environment.


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How to Cite
Sinche-Rodríguez , M. ., Cuadrado-Sánchez , G. ., & Castillo-Ortega , Y. (2024). Environmental culture for local development in the Machala canton. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 9(3), 862-875. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2024.3.2442
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Maribel del Rocío Sinche-Rodríguez , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Economist,degree in  English from the University (ESPE) ,student of the Master´s Degree in Local and Territorial Development at the Catholic University of Cuenca in Ecuador. 

Gina Patricia Cuadrado-Sánchez , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


PhD. in Accounting, Master in Finance Development applied to Microenterprise, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation of the Academic Unit of Economic and Business Sciences of the Catholic University of Cuenca. 

Yonimiler Castillo-Ortega , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Phd. in Economics, Master in Management and Master in Population, Environment and Local Development. He is a professor and researcher of the Economics career and Coordinator of the Master in Local Development at the Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador. His lines of research are sustainable local development, tourism and social and solidarity economy. 


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